Packing Tips for Overseas Travel

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Bring an electrical converter.
One of the most important overseas travel accessories is an electrical converter.
Even if the plug is the same size as your home country, the electrical current may be different.
Don't make the mistake of plugging in your blow dryer into a foreign outlet and having it blow up! Pack versatile clothing.
Plan for changing and unpredictable weather by bringing clothes that can be layered.
Stick to materials that are breathable and easy to wash.
Go for colors that are neutral so that each piece matches with each other.
Check out some great outfit ideas from TravelFashionGirl.
Bring an extra bag.
When I travel overseas I always bring a collapsible backpack or duffel.
When I go exploring for the day I am able to bring along a few things without toting my whole carry-on with me.
It's also helpful for the return trip when I usually have souvenirs to bring home and no room in my suitcase.
Be smart about toiletries.
Given the restrictions on carrying on liquids, it's not always possible to bring everything you need overseas.
Do some research in advance and find out what will be readily available to you at your destination.
Keep in mind that many hotels give free toiletries, so it might not be necessary to bring everything with you.
Depending on where you're headed, you might be able to pick up things inexpensively.
In Japan, you can find nearly every toiletry you need at the 100 Yen shop.
Bring comfortable shoes.
Chances are you're going to be doing a lot of walking.
Make sure that your feet are up to the challenge! If you don't have a lot of space, bring a pair of flip-flops or slip on shoes.
Sometimes just switching your foot wear can give your feet a much-needed break.
Protect Yourself from the Sun.
Often times traveling overseas means spending a lot more time outdoors.
Make sure you are protecting yourself from the powerful sun.
Bring plenty of sunscreen and protective eye wear.
Especially if you're headed somewhere tropical, it's likely these items will have high mark-ups if you wait until you get there to buy them.
Think safety.
You are likely going to have a lot of important documents and/or cash on you when traveling overseas.
Losing any of this could really put a crimp in your travel plans.
Invest in a money belt or bra stash to keep your stuff close and inconspicuous.
Think ahead about medication.
If you require specific kinds of over-the-counter medications, you might want to bring them with you in case you get sick on the road.
Some medications might be hard to find, especially with a language barrier.
Keep in mind that some medications that are perfectly legal at home, might not be abroad.
Even simple things like Nyquil are illegal in some countries.
If you are carrying any medication with you, it may be wise to get a note from your doctor explaining the need.
Use packing accessories.
In order to maximize the space in your bag, utilize packing accessories such as packing cubes.
They keep your stuff separated and organized.
And once you are on the road you can keep your dirty clothes in one cube and your clean clothes in another.
One final tip: When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.
Then take half the clothes and twice the money.
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