Recognizing And Caring For Dementia
First off recognizing your symptoms and getting help. There are some basic signs that are good to recognize that are applicable to most forms of dementia. The most common system is memory loss. Such as when memory loss starts to interfere with you every day functioning where events, not just details are forgotten or struggling to understand movies or stories that you heard within 30 minutes. If you are having difficulty with language and speaking or in some cases rapid mood changes.
The widely accepted symptoms for Alzheimers are similar but a little different. The big one is memory impairment, which means your ability to learn new or process old information, is being impaired. Past that you must have one of the following symptoms; aphasia which is language disturbance, apraxia which is impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite having motor function, agnosia which is failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function, or a disturbance of executive functioning such as planning, organizing, sequencing, or abstracting.
If you believe you or a loved one may have dementia, then you should prepare for a visit to the doctor. A proper diagnosis is important as is planning for the future. There are numerous options as far as caregiving goes and numerous nursing homes in Michigan that specialize in dementia care. Regardless of your MI Assisted Living choices, the primary goal should be to keep the individual stress free. Reminders of what they cant remember any more can cause mood swings from happy to irate very quickly. It is a long and arduous process for individual and family and extremely important to remember that there is help out there and more importantly trained professionals to easy both parties worries and stress.
Dementia is an unpleasant experience at best, so recognizing the symptoms early allows you to plan ahead and be prepared for the oncoming difficulties. If you know what is going to happen, you will know how to cope with a situation when it arises instead of it getting out of hand. While there is no medicinal cure yet to dementia, there are medications that can ease the affects and even slow down the process to give both more time and help the individual cope. Scientists are working diligently to find a cure, but with most drugs the side effects are worse than the symptom and the overall effectiveness is not enough nor permanent. Our nursing homes in Michigan are more than willing to help out with your problems and hope you will not hesitate to call.