The History of Ninjas
- It is hard to distinguish exactly when and where the the first ninjas surfaced. Japanese legend says that ninjas were direct descendants of a demon who was supposedly half crow and half human. History, however, attributes the emergence of ninjas as an opposition to the upper-class fighters known as samurai in the feudal period of Japanese history. Most believe that it developed between the years 650 and 900 A.D but did not surface until the 14th century.
- There are Eight Methods taught in ninjutsu. They are karate, body skills, staff fighting, spear fighting, fire and water usage, blade-throwing, stealth and strategy. Most of the weapons used by ninjas were modified sickles or saws which were used on Japanese farms at that time period. This was effective in hiding the ninja's identity. Ninjas also concealed their identity by masquerading as flute-playing shamans. The flutes were utilized as blow-dart tubes
- The first ninja leaders were dishonored samurai who lost in battle and were stripped of their titles and lands. Samurai who lost in battle were often forced to commit suicide, but some fled and renounced the samurai practice. Most followers of ninjutsu were not of the upper class, however. They were ordinary people who lived on common farms and in villages, who learned to fight for self-defense and preservation.
- Ninjas played an important role in Japanese wars of the 14th and 15th century. They were often hired by both sides of the warring factions to perform missions such as the infiltration of enemy camps. The stealth (and other ninjutsu skills) displayed by ninjas was a very important skill that was utilized by all sides in the wars.
- The early 1600s marked the beginning of the Endo Period, which brought peace and stability to Japan. Since there was no conflict among factions in the country, ninjutsu skills were no longer looked for. However, the legend of the ninjas and their skills survived and today they can be seen in television and in comic books and on the big screen.
The Rise of Ninjutsu
The Fall of Ninjas