Babylon and the Civil War (Scarlet Threads - Part Forty-Five)

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1860's A.
The Civil War.
Lincoln's position is classic American history.
Rome's? We talked about that in reference to the Jews and others who were the serfs of the Dark Ages.
Slavery was a part of Babylonian ways of thinking from its earliest days.
When Chris Columbus first saw a native American tribe, he wrote in his journal about how useful these people would be as servants! It was part of the mentality.
I do not mean to be derogatory here, only stating known facts.
In Doctrines of the Jesuits by Gury (p.
71) we are told that "slavery does not really constitute a crime before any law...
divine or human...
when one thinks of the state of degradation in which the lords of Africa live...
the slave trade may be considered as a providential act...
" Oh really? Don't leak this to the NAACP, or to descendants ofJohn Newman, author of "Amazing Grace," whom God saved from a life of degradation which included the trading of human lives for profit.
We are all aware that God takes the most horrendous of actions and uses them for His good.
That is God's prerogative.
But we must never whitewash the ugliness of the human spirit that created that action.
That is man's depravity.
Jefferson Davis, who has been given the Presidency of the Confederate Union when the southern states break from the northern Union, is another piece of the puzzle.
A Roman Catholic? Absolutely not! But a memoir of Davis, published by his wife after his death reads thus: "Mr.
Davis's early education had always inclined in the Roman Catholics...
" Then Davis speaks: "When I entered the [catholic] school, a large majority of the boys belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.
After a short time I was the only Protestant boy remaining.
From whatever reason, the priests were particularly kind to me...
Davis's pro-Catholic attitude led to even stronger ties during his Presidency.
The following is a letter from him addressed to reigning Pope Pius IX: Richmond,Virginia September 25, 1863 "Very Venerable Sovereign Pontiff: The letters you have written to the clergy of New Orleans and New York have been committed to me, and I have read with emotion the deep grief therein expressed for the ruin and devastation caused by the war...
in the name of the Confederate States our gratitude for such sentiments of christian good feeling and love...
we merely fight to resist the devastation of our country and the shedding of our best blood, and to force them to let us live in peace under the protection of our own institutions and under our laws...
the free exercise ofreligion...
Jefferson Davis the reply: "Illustrious and honorable President, "Salutation.
It is particularly agreeable to us to see that you, illustrious and honorable President, and your people, were animated with the same desires of peace and tranquility which we have in our letters inculcated upon our venerable brothers.
May it please God at the same time to make other people of America and their rulers reflecting seriously how terrible is civil war and what calamities it engenders, listen to the inspirations of a calmer spirit and adopt resolutely the part of peace.
We at the same time beseech the God of Pity to shed abroad upon you, the light of His grace and attach you to us by a perfect friendship.
Pius IX Curiouser and curiouser,as Alice (of Wonderland fame) said.
Were you ever taught that the South's President was a personal friend of the Pope? Be assured that the British government, in an ultimatum to the same Davis, did not call him President, nor illustrious, and not even honorable.
( They refer to his new responsibility as the "so-called Confederate States.
") Nor did Mr.
It leads us even further down this entangled side path, from which we must retreat soon.
Is it possible that a pro-Roman south would be advantageous to a Pope even then trying to put Mexico back in his pocket? A block of Catholic power reaching from South America through Central America, through Mexico, through Texas, on up to the Virginias, and someday up to Maine? (By way of Baltimore, of course.
) Surely that had to be going through the minds of some Catholic elite.
Maybe more than a few...
We must avoid trying to sound sensational and we must likewise keep far from the undocumentable.
We must in fact learn to say, "I really don't know," on a host of issues.
But, let me remind myself and my reader what I have set out to describe: Her name is Babylon.
She is the mother of all abominations.
In her is found the blood ofall who are slain on earth.
And if her daughters are not outright offspring, we can know that they are at least adopted for her own purposes.
Satan takes other forms and has other projects going on the planet.
But before it is all over, all roads do indeed lead to Rome...
that is, Babylon.
And may I remind readers that in no way is any of this history meant to speak evil of members of the Catholic organization.
I speak of a system.
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