Lawn Mowing and Maintenance Tips
Lawn Mowing (done correctly) requires a proper understanding of the correct timing and frequency of mowing efforts.
The ritual of Lawn Mowing is unappreciated by many people.
So unfortunately, many people see mowing as a "chore that has to be done on the weekend", and fail to understand that regular and correct mowing of turf grass areas is important to the lawn's long term health and sustainability.
Frequent mowing provides many benefits including:
Mowing your lawn at this rate means you should be mowing every week from December to March, every 2 weeks from April to May, every 4 weeks from June to September and every 2 weeks from October to November inclusive.
Naturally if you are a contractor you may find that some of your customers want to mow their lawns less frequently.
At the rate of 22 lawn mowings per year, you will need to mow the lawn every 2 weeks from October to May and every 4 weeks from June to September.
The ritual of Lawn Mowing is unappreciated by many people.
So unfortunately, many people see mowing as a "chore that has to be done on the weekend", and fail to understand that regular and correct mowing of turf grass areas is important to the lawn's long term health and sustainability.
Frequent mowing provides many benefits including:
- Regular mowing (and at the correct times of the year) allows your lawn to become thick and more dense.
This is very important in the case of Warm Season Grasses as they spread by runners (stolons and/or stolons and rhizomes) and it is these turf grasses that are used in playing fields or recreational areas. - Frequent mowing allows the lawn to thicken and to become more attractive "to the eye".
- Mowing the lawn regularly helps the lawn out compete weeds, that is, with a thick healthy turf weed seeds will struggle to germinate and flourish
Mowing your lawn at this rate means you should be mowing every week from December to March, every 2 weeks from April to May, every 4 weeks from June to September and every 2 weeks from October to November inclusive.
Naturally if you are a contractor you may find that some of your customers want to mow their lawns less frequently.
At the rate of 22 lawn mowings per year, you will need to mow the lawn every 2 weeks from October to May and every 4 weeks from June to September.