Sequence Of Destiny
THE REASONS WHY YOU WERE CREATED What is my purpose on earth? Why am I here? What am I going to become? These have remained thunder-bolt questions that strike humanity today.
We have so much questioned the reason and purpose for our existence and this has triggered off various desires to finding out lasting and satisfactory answers.
Over the years, Science seems to have contributed greatly in 'beclouding' our vision and rendering us ignorant of our true existence.
Should it be said that the existence of Humanity is unconnected with a Divinity? In my several researches and findings which largely transcends simple scientific hypothesis, I've been able to come to a full realization and conclusion that THE HOLY BOOK, [THE BIBLE], remains the Last Resort to all findings and research studies.
I've been poised into asking so many questions like; Can there be a farm without a farmer? A product without any manufacturer? A book without a writer? A music without a composer? Of course no! If all these are works of a creator, then nothing in life ever exists without a creator! The world was framed by a hand and the humans, animals and plants living thereof are products of a Creator! So, there's a Supernatural Being who is the Creator of them all.
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth...
" [Gen 1:1] Therefore the better we understand the true existence of our Creator, the better we discern our purpose for existence here on earth.
Hence I've gathered this Five Indispensable Reasons why you (we) were created; YOU'RE CREATED; A) TO PRODUCE.
I call it the A,B,C,D,E to a successful and fulfilled life.
In order to achieve your destiny and purpose in life, this Five Indispensable Reasons must be followed sequentially.
And any attempt to alter this sequence results in a frustrated, depressed and empty life.
You can never multiply if you don't first produce.
Also it is only when you serve the Lord thy Creator with what HE has given to you will you be able to Rule and Dominate Your World.
And then you're said to be living a successful life.
Pleasing/increasing yourself is a benefit derived from the above four, so it comes last Let's highlight these Reasons for more clarification; A) TO PRODUCE: How do you produce? Look into your palms; look inside of you, there's a Special gift/talent The Creator deposited in you.
Explore it! Manifest it! "Having then gifts differing...
" [Rom 12:6-8].
Make it active! Make it useful and productive! B) TO INCREASE/MULTIPLY YOUR PRODUCE: Expend your whole energy and to-day activities.
Don't hide it just like the fellow in the Bible Episode of the Parable of Talent, who hid the one Talent given to him by their Master rather than investing to Multiply it.
So many people waste their time and energy on activities, businesses that are unconnected to their Destiny.
It is only when you make your talents your daily business in life that you'll progress and prosper in wealth and riches.
C) TO REPLENISH AND SERVE YOUR CREATOR WITH YOUR PRODUCE: This is the most important factor in this 'Five Sequence of Destiny.
' It is the Life-wire of our existence.
But disappointingly, many do not seem to discern its potency in skyrocketing us to the echelon of Success and Fulfillment in life.
Many people after 'multiplying their produce' jump to the least of the Sequence which is 'Increase/Enrich yourself.
' They use what the Lord has blessed them with only for their personal satisfaction and glory.
When that happens, frustration, depression and emptiness set in.
In a blink of an eye, those wealth and riches begin to depreciate.
Some are even been misled by the devil into believing in the non-existence Why were you created in the first place if there was no God? 'Every creation is definitely an evidence of a Creator.
' Our existence is here on earth isn't by chance or our own making.
It was divinely and purposefully orchestrated by a Creator, God Almighty.
Therefore give back to HIM, what HE has blessed you with.
How do you do that? Of course, you know that God doesn't come down in person to receive from us.
What he demands of us is to use the seed of our produce; our time, energy, talents and money to bless others.
He wants us to render selfless services to humanity and by so doing; we're also glorifying, obeying and pleasing HIM.
"God is pleasured through our daily acts of obedience that progressively complete HIS dreams and goals in your life.
" [1 John 3: 22].
This is the only way to rule and dominate your world.
It's the key to a successful and fulfilled life.
"If ye be willing and obedient (to serve humanity), ye shall eat the good the Land (ye shall be honored, respected and prosperous).
[Isaiah 1: 19.
Emphasis Mine] Personally I don't see any big deal in this.
It is this same reason why God sometimes tends to delay our earnest desire to achieve success, just because HE knew how most of us would turn our back on HIM when HE blesses us.
D) TO DOMINATE AND RULE YOUR WORLD: This is our mandate as God through Christ has assured us.
God has given us the power to control, dominate and rule our world.
This can only come true if only we use what God has deposited in us in the service of humanities.
God blessed you to bless others.
God prospers you to prosper others.
God enriches you to enrich others.
God gives you to give others.
God loves you to love others.
God uplifts you to uplift others.
'The Seed of your Produce can be anything God has given you to sow into someone else' Don't forget; "He who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully.
" [II Corinth.
9: 6] E) TO INCREASE/ENRICH YOURSELF: Surprisingly by our doing the above four factors in the Sequence of Destiny, we are in turn greatly increasing ourselves and fulfilling our destiny.
We're enriching ourselves.
We're multiplying our blessings, faith in God, our knowledge of Christ, happiness, joy, peace, sound health and every other aspect of our being.
Tell me then; what life is more than this? "...
If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry...
then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day...
thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
" [Isaiah 58:10-11] However, let's not allow the situations of life deter us from realizing that we're not here on earth by accident.
Those are the special reasons why we're here.
If you're able to live up to these, I bet you an accomplished and fulfilled life is sure guaranteed.
We have so much questioned the reason and purpose for our existence and this has triggered off various desires to finding out lasting and satisfactory answers.
Over the years, Science seems to have contributed greatly in 'beclouding' our vision and rendering us ignorant of our true existence.
Should it be said that the existence of Humanity is unconnected with a Divinity? In my several researches and findings which largely transcends simple scientific hypothesis, I've been able to come to a full realization and conclusion that THE HOLY BOOK, [THE BIBLE], remains the Last Resort to all findings and research studies.
I've been poised into asking so many questions like; Can there be a farm without a farmer? A product without any manufacturer? A book without a writer? A music without a composer? Of course no! If all these are works of a creator, then nothing in life ever exists without a creator! The world was framed by a hand and the humans, animals and plants living thereof are products of a Creator! So, there's a Supernatural Being who is the Creator of them all.
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth...
" [Gen 1:1] Therefore the better we understand the true existence of our Creator, the better we discern our purpose for existence here on earth.
Hence I've gathered this Five Indispensable Reasons why you (we) were created; YOU'RE CREATED; A) TO PRODUCE.
I call it the A,B,C,D,E to a successful and fulfilled life.
In order to achieve your destiny and purpose in life, this Five Indispensable Reasons must be followed sequentially.
And any attempt to alter this sequence results in a frustrated, depressed and empty life.
You can never multiply if you don't first produce.
Also it is only when you serve the Lord thy Creator with what HE has given to you will you be able to Rule and Dominate Your World.
And then you're said to be living a successful life.
Pleasing/increasing yourself is a benefit derived from the above four, so it comes last Let's highlight these Reasons for more clarification; A) TO PRODUCE: How do you produce? Look into your palms; look inside of you, there's a Special gift/talent The Creator deposited in you.
Explore it! Manifest it! "Having then gifts differing...
" [Rom 12:6-8].
Make it active! Make it useful and productive! B) TO INCREASE/MULTIPLY YOUR PRODUCE: Expend your whole energy and to-day activities.
Don't hide it just like the fellow in the Bible Episode of the Parable of Talent, who hid the one Talent given to him by their Master rather than investing to Multiply it.
So many people waste their time and energy on activities, businesses that are unconnected to their Destiny.
It is only when you make your talents your daily business in life that you'll progress and prosper in wealth and riches.
C) TO REPLENISH AND SERVE YOUR CREATOR WITH YOUR PRODUCE: This is the most important factor in this 'Five Sequence of Destiny.
' It is the Life-wire of our existence.
But disappointingly, many do not seem to discern its potency in skyrocketing us to the echelon of Success and Fulfillment in life.
Many people after 'multiplying their produce' jump to the least of the Sequence which is 'Increase/Enrich yourself.
' They use what the Lord has blessed them with only for their personal satisfaction and glory.
When that happens, frustration, depression and emptiness set in.
In a blink of an eye, those wealth and riches begin to depreciate.
Some are even been misled by the devil into believing in the non-existence Why were you created in the first place if there was no God? 'Every creation is definitely an evidence of a Creator.
' Our existence is here on earth isn't by chance or our own making.
It was divinely and purposefully orchestrated by a Creator, God Almighty.
Therefore give back to HIM, what HE has blessed you with.
How do you do that? Of course, you know that God doesn't come down in person to receive from us.
What he demands of us is to use the seed of our produce; our time, energy, talents and money to bless others.
He wants us to render selfless services to humanity and by so doing; we're also glorifying, obeying and pleasing HIM.
"God is pleasured through our daily acts of obedience that progressively complete HIS dreams and goals in your life.
" [1 John 3: 22].
This is the only way to rule and dominate your world.
It's the key to a successful and fulfilled life.
"If ye be willing and obedient (to serve humanity), ye shall eat the good the Land (ye shall be honored, respected and prosperous).
[Isaiah 1: 19.
Emphasis Mine] Personally I don't see any big deal in this.
It is this same reason why God sometimes tends to delay our earnest desire to achieve success, just because HE knew how most of us would turn our back on HIM when HE blesses us.
D) TO DOMINATE AND RULE YOUR WORLD: This is our mandate as God through Christ has assured us.
God has given us the power to control, dominate and rule our world.
This can only come true if only we use what God has deposited in us in the service of humanities.
God blessed you to bless others.
God prospers you to prosper others.
God enriches you to enrich others.
God gives you to give others.
God loves you to love others.
God uplifts you to uplift others.
'The Seed of your Produce can be anything God has given you to sow into someone else' Don't forget; "He who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully.
" [II Corinth.
9: 6] E) TO INCREASE/ENRICH YOURSELF: Surprisingly by our doing the above four factors in the Sequence of Destiny, we are in turn greatly increasing ourselves and fulfilling our destiny.
We're enriching ourselves.
We're multiplying our blessings, faith in God, our knowledge of Christ, happiness, joy, peace, sound health and every other aspect of our being.
Tell me then; what life is more than this? "...
If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry...
then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day...
thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
" [Isaiah 58:10-11] However, let's not allow the situations of life deter us from realizing that we're not here on earth by accident.
Those are the special reasons why we're here.
If you're able to live up to these, I bet you an accomplished and fulfilled life is sure guaranteed.