Solar Panel Self Repair
Pertaining to the ever rising energy consumption rates, the demand for its alternatives like the solar technology is showing a rapid growth. The solar installations based on recent technology, though, are more expensive as compared to the conventional asphalt shingle roof. The reason is the extra mounting parts and the additional time and efforts required for the assembly. The high initial investment and maintenance costs required for the entire assembly often prevent home owners from opting for it however these costs can be recovered in the long term.
A recent research has shown that the maintenance costs for these installations can be reduced considerably by reducing the everyday wear and tear. Continual exposure to the sun also has a damaging effect on the system. This can be avoided by implementing a regenerative system which is similar to the behavior of plants. When the photoreceptor in plants get damaged by light, the damaged part is removed and replaced by a new material which is a natural process. The action takes place as a result of a network which is responsible for supplying the plant with water, ions and the other elements required.
Certain experiments were carried out copying the plant networks under which a system device was created that contained a hydrology matrix containing Eosin Y, an organic dye and potassium iodide. After injecting the matrix into the photo systems, the changes in the voltage with reference to the current density were measured.
The results were surprising. The efficiency of the system was regenerated to 100% of its original performance and the voltage was increased due to increase in the active area of the photo system. Similar to the plants that will regenerate by absorbing nutrients and water, a solar panel system will rejuvenate after getting injected by the matrix gel at specific intervals.
It was concluded that an economical way of rejuvenating a solar roof installation was discovered as the materials used in the matrix were highly economical. The device also requires less maintenance which further reduces the expenses. A minimal injection of the matrix can enhance the solar system's efficiency dramatically. This indicates that the cost of the installation and regular maintenance of the system will receive a fall. All together, the cost of the solar installation will reduce considerably making it extremely affordable in the coming years. Thus, more and more people can think of cutting on their electricity expenses hugely by making a small investment in solar roofing systems.
For more information on the latest solar roofing systems available and to learn more about how solar roofing will actually save you money over the life of the roofing system, contact Schulte Roofing today.
Schulte Roofing is a roofing bryan tx with over 100 years of combined experience. Schulte Roofing originally began in Alvin, TX just outside of Houston, TX and has grown a reputation for delivering the best roof for your budget. If you have any questions about white roofing system for your home, business, or child's school, contact Schulte Roofing today.
Koo, H., Velev, O.D. Regenerable Photovoltaic Devices with a Hydrogel-Embedded in Microvascular Network. 2013. Scientific Reports 3. 2357
A recent research has shown that the maintenance costs for these installations can be reduced considerably by reducing the everyday wear and tear. Continual exposure to the sun also has a damaging effect on the system. This can be avoided by implementing a regenerative system which is similar to the behavior of plants. When the photoreceptor in plants get damaged by light, the damaged part is removed and replaced by a new material which is a natural process. The action takes place as a result of a network which is responsible for supplying the plant with water, ions and the other elements required.
Certain experiments were carried out copying the plant networks under which a system device was created that contained a hydrology matrix containing Eosin Y, an organic dye and potassium iodide. After injecting the matrix into the photo systems, the changes in the voltage with reference to the current density were measured.
The results were surprising. The efficiency of the system was regenerated to 100% of its original performance and the voltage was increased due to increase in the active area of the photo system. Similar to the plants that will regenerate by absorbing nutrients and water, a solar panel system will rejuvenate after getting injected by the matrix gel at specific intervals.
It was concluded that an economical way of rejuvenating a solar roof installation was discovered as the materials used in the matrix were highly economical. The device also requires less maintenance which further reduces the expenses. A minimal injection of the matrix can enhance the solar system's efficiency dramatically. This indicates that the cost of the installation and regular maintenance of the system will receive a fall. All together, the cost of the solar installation will reduce considerably making it extremely affordable in the coming years. Thus, more and more people can think of cutting on their electricity expenses hugely by making a small investment in solar roofing systems.
For more information on the latest solar roofing systems available and to learn more about how solar roofing will actually save you money over the life of the roofing system, contact Schulte Roofing today.
Schulte Roofing is a roofing bryan tx with over 100 years of combined experience. Schulte Roofing originally began in Alvin, TX just outside of Houston, TX and has grown a reputation for delivering the best roof for your budget. If you have any questions about white roofing system for your home, business, or child's school, contact Schulte Roofing today.
Koo, H., Velev, O.D. Regenerable Photovoltaic Devices with a Hydrogel-Embedded in Microvascular Network. 2013. Scientific Reports 3. 2357