Considering A Homeopathy Cure For Sinus
There are four pairs of sinuses present in the skull.
They are the frontal, the ethmoid, the sphenoid and the maxillary cavities.
The basically reduce the weight of the skull, insulate it and resonate the voice.
Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane which lines each cavity.
Though there are several ways of treating this disease, a homeopathy cure for sinus is recommended because it is mild and has no side effects whatsoever.
A homeopathy cure for sinus is based on symptoms rather than the condition of the patient.
The medicine given may vary from person to person and time to time.
There are several symptoms that can be associated with sinusitis.
Feeling lousy early in the morning, tiredness, headaches, jaw pain (which is caused by infection in the maxillary sinus), a cold that refuses to go away, a severe cough etc.
Most cases of sinus begin with a cold.
The viral infection causes inflammation in the mucous membrane.
An inflamed mucous membrane does not allow the free exchange of mucous and air from the nasal cavity.
A mucous filled sinus cavity allows the bacteria to breathe resulting in sinusitis.
There are several ways of treating sinusitis; a homeopathy cure for sinus is one way.
Inhaling steam or taking a hot compress on the face can help at times.
If all medication stops working, a surgery might be considered.
A homeopathy cure for sinus has several medicines which can be given to patients depending upon their symptoms.
They are hepar sulph- which may be given when a throat infection is accompanied by sinus.
Hilicea- this is given when there is acute headache which becomes better by wrapping up the head.
MIR- which is given when there is heaviness on the right side of the head.
MIL- which is given when there is heaviness on the left side of the head.
A homeopathy cure for sinus may also involve the administration of the following medicines i.
merc sol, belladonna, nux vomica etc.
Homeopathy is a very mild form of medication.
Some people prefer this system of medicine over any others because it is extremely scientific yet it has no side effects.