Expanding the Light and Loving Lorne Martin

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Relevant to the 2012 Shift of the Ages, my weekly offering of some Salt Spring Island ~ herstory. From the perspective of my zoomed out spiritual view of everything I know so far, my association with Lorne Martin was, is, and will always be ~ a LOVE story.

Representing the Divine Feminine I am compelled to continue to reiterate that the expansion of LOVE, is the solution to suffering. It's that simple. WE, are what we are waiting for and it's time to wake up to our changing r e a l i t y.

Aligning with the powerful and purifying celestial energies of LOVE and ONENESS is the mission of warriors, workers and holders of the Light. The essence of LOVE is who we truly are and are destined to remember. Hence the Great Awakening ~ evidenced by 1039 love-ins occurring in 87 countries. The war against Humanity wasn't as obvious in the past, but it is undeniable today.

Evolution seeks to escape lower frequency existence through our surrendering to the power of Nature, while the Ego and it's construct seeks to preserve and protect it's accomplishments of investment and control. Both the individual and collective body have bought into and attached to the belief that money is the pulse that sprouts life ~ hence the Great Deception. In Truth, we know that the seed of all Life ~ is LOVE.

As time appears to be accelerating, in actuality it's collapsing. Both planet and people are progressing through a dimensional portal and into the New Paradigm, the 7th Golden Age. Metaphysically, the New Earth is imminent and it is real.

Humans are shifting psychologically, biologically, and emotionally, we're changing our minds, purifying and lightening up our bodies and spiritually integrating. Manifesting our individual and collective reality is happening faster with every thought, word, emotion and action in alignment with either Fear based compliance ~ or, with LOVE. The recognition that we are ONE ~ is the k n o w i n g that every single thing has an expanding effect on the whole.

Lorne was on my path, alone and abandoned, living in the park I was assigned to work in. After 5 years of advocating on his behalf, I shifted my perspective to taking on the responsibility of resolving his shelterlessness myself.

With Lorne's permission to access 2,000 dollars being held by a Trustee, 25 beautiful people contributing materials or their time, and permitted land access from investment property owner Larry Goodman, Lorne was provided with his own 100 square foot, heated shelter ~ because he asked and because he deserved basic care.

On the occasion Lorne was confused and unable to find it, someone he knew would eventually walk him to his cozy abode. Later I pointed out to him that if he counted five hydro poles up from Embe Bakery and then walked the short jaunt, he'd find his A-Frame next to the fifth pole.

On the last night of his life however, instead of his associates walking him home, his body lay in a creek bed under dense and tangled foliage and branches. In spite of the efforts by the many folks who searched, the mystery of Lorne's whereabouts wasn't resolved until I demanded the assistance of an R.C.M.P. canine and his handler.

While Constable Garfield and Tony were on their way to Salt Spring, on the morning of June 7th, 2010, a very nervous young man caught my attention. When I asked him when he last saw Lorne, his hand shook the coffee out of his cup as he blurted " I seen him at the creek." He knew more it was obvious so I asked him to show me, " where exactly? "

The area he took me to was not where Lorne's body would be found a short while later, but it was clear he knew, and his girlfriend who was visibly distraught for days, she knew, they both knew that Lorne Martin was dead.

Lorne's spirit was forced into the astral realm just before, or just after he was pushed or dragged into the creek. And although those of us that knew him were aware he'd announced his final "fcuk it", it was a bad and sad discovery. What hung in the air around the vortex in Ganges that Sunday morning and for quite a while afterwards, was that he'd fallen victim to foul play. Perhaps accidentally, perhaps not.

The official announcement, 72 year old Lorne Martin was found dead in the creek because " he fell ", period. The evidence I collected proved otherwise. From the time I was told he was missing, during the search, while Tony worked the creek area, and while Lorne's lifeless body was being recovered and transferred to a metal box, the people that were involved wore it.

For another six weeks I positioned myself in the park and at the scene near the creek, daily. There were a few who just couldn't stay away, sucked into the energy of the task at hand. They hovered and talked, changed what they told me previously, cried, lied, and verbally and physically attacked me. I set my intention to acquire the data that would explain what happened, next to "shit creek", behind the treatment plant on Seaview Road, or about June 3rd, 2010, and I received it.

I sent the evidence package to Criminal Lawyer Jeffrey R. Arndt for his expert opinion and even though he said he tried, The Crown wasn't interested. The official corporate announcement was made without a valid investigation, in blatant dishonour of a man's life, and in spite of the fact that the evidence revealed ~ at least 4 people were with Lorne when he died, or was left to die.

The A-Frame served as his last home and I'm grateful to have been part of the solution to his shelterlessness. I loved that he loved it and made good use of it. I loved that he told people he built it, and I loved it when he told me how much he appreciated my help with the roof. Lorne had been a logger and log house designer and builder, completely self taught, highly regarded and loved.

A character who was uncommonly authentic, Lorne Martin was a sovereign at heart and because of who he was, I was glad to be his friend. Lorne endured a rough childhood, productive adult life, miserable final years and a violent death. His body and brain were wracked with the pains of injury and disturbing memories that impeded his ability to overcome the dark projections of his subconscious mind.

I wasn't looking for a cause when I began to question both the spiritual and political purpose of his highly visible misery. As a working single mom I had enough on my plate my ego reasoned, but the Creator via my heart's brain convinced me that we were a meant to be expression of unconditional LOVE.

After I gathered the facts and learned of the systemic prejudices and disregard concerning Lorne's state and circumstances, I committed to being the facilitator of an effective shelter solution, requiring a custom design and Divine delivery.

On behalf of moving on and healing, I forgive those I feel witnessed or participated in whatever caused his death. I also forgive those who didn't care enough to approve a thorough investigation.

I even forgive those who chose not to write about the success of the A-Frame and instead published a large colour photo of Lorne looking his worst. They had on file, photos I'd given them of a clean and shaved, handsome Lorne Martin. The one they chose to publish served to keep the collective consciousness in a state of negative judgement in order to distract us from our inclinations toward compassion in action. Although perceiving this as fact requires a concerted effort to " pierce the veils."

Helping Lorne over the years revealed that "Homelessness" is product of Commerce, a by-product of the Housing Industry. Lorne would have generated an average of 40 to 50,000 dollars annually due to his regular trips to the hospital and jail and for reasons that most often derived from not having a place to retreat to.

Now we know why the Feds gave the Housing responsibility to the Provinces in 1996. At that time, there were a small number of people in the City of Victoria B.C., living rough, without adequate shelter and privacy, today there are thousands.

The A-Frame was inexpensive to build, managable for Lorne, sensible for the locals and tourists, tolerable for the property owner and made it easy for me to supervise as I did, in my effort to expand the LOVE and Light.

Dear Lorne ~ It's time to go home. You don't have to be confused or afraid anymore. Go to the Light Lorne, go home.
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