How To Get A Bright Smile The Natural Way
If you choose to go with a clinic or a dentist's office for your tooth whitening needs, the systems can be costly. Britesmile and Zoom are a couple of the tooth whitening systems that require a clinical or dental visit. But unless you're willing to pay through the nose, these tooth whitening systems won't be for you.
So it is fortunate that there are plenty of things you can do at home without lightening your wallet or purse with the over-the-counter tooth whitening products.
1)Teeth can become stained over the years due to food, beverage (particularly sodas, coffee, and red wine) and perhaps the most negative force on white teeth: smoking.
2)It stands to reason that the first step you should take in producing a whiter smile is limit your exposure to the things that cause stained teeth.
3)Food is obviously a necessity but switch your soda to water or at least your Coke for Sprite. Colas have a more detrimental effect on white teeth than clear sodas.
4)Red wine takes a greater toll on your teeth than white so consider a trade off if you are a wine drinker.
In addition to avoiding certain consumables and activities which may lead to a dull smile, you can also take proactive steps toward teeth whitening. This includes twice yearly visits to the dentist, to get a full cleaning. If it has been a while since your last cleaning, you may be surprised what this can do for your smile in and of itself. Celery and carrots can keep plaque from forming on your teeth, potentially leading to gum disease and tooth decay.
Taking care of your teeth the natural way can prevent a dingy smile and can lead to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Utilize some or all of the advice in this article and you will be on your way to a whiter smile and a healthier dental structure, all without the costly tooth whitening systems on the market today.