Construction of Mosque Close to Ground Zero is Morally and Ethically Wrong
This firestorm has been raging for some time, but recent remarks by President Obama only added fuel to the flames.
Sometimes the better part of valor is saying nothing, and in this case it may be very true.
The World Trade Center or the Twin Towers that were such a part of the Manhattan sky scape went from being a place of commerce to not only a war monument but also a grave site.
Thousands if not millions of individuals from all across the globe have visited this horrific site of mass murder.
They come in reverence to honor the living and the dead.
They come to remember those found and those who are lost for all time.
Ground Zero is no different from any other battlefield in this country, it stands along side the USS Arizona in the American psyche.
Americans have fought and died for the Right to worship freely, for all members of our society.
Our Constitution guarantees this Right for all Americans, no matter the religion.
So while a mosque built near Ground Zero may be constitutional, is it a moral and ethical thing to do? Is the construction of this proposed mosque another more insidious attack on New York City and America? Was this proposed mosque in the planning stage prior to the attack of 9/11, or did it come about afterward? Is it morally and ethically right to build a mosque so near this hallowed ground? Isn't building this mosque like rubbing salt in a open wound? As Muslim Americans aren't you ready to help fellow American heal from this attack? New York City and the rest of America is still mourning the loss of life from the World Trade Center Attack.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate for another site to be select for the construction of the proposed mosque? Ground Zero is a scared area for not only New Yorkers but for all Americans.
It is a national cemetery, such as Gettysburg and Arlington, and should be treated as such by all.
There may come a time when building a church or mosque is appropriate near Ground Zero, but that time is not now.
Perhaps religious leaders from the different organizations in New York should come together an build a non denominational building near Ground Zero in honor of those who lost their lives that day.
Perhaps that it is the answer, maybe we should have a place of worship near Ground Zero, where all could offer prayers for the souls of the departed and where we can pray for peace.