How Much Should a Paint Job Cost?
- Expect a paint job for your vehicle to cost more when done at a body shop than done at a detailing service shop or a shop that specializes in quick and low-cost paint jobs. When bumpers, trim and detail portions of the car need removal, the price continues to go up. A small ding usually costs hundreds of dollars to repair in order to make sure the paint job does not peel in the sun.
- Body shops are equipped to care for all the needs of a car's exterior body, whereas a specialty shop often only touches up paint and removes dings and dents. Paint specialty shops, like MAACO and Earl Shieb, cost less money and can get the job done much more quickly but you get what you pay for. Since at most times these shops do not remove bumpers and trim to get the paint even and the wax finishing line completely out of the reach of the sun, peeling can result. A paint job for a small dent will cost less than $100 to repair at one of these shops.
- For a good paint job done the right way, expect to pay several hundred dollars to make sure the job is done well at a body shop. If paint is what you need and you don't care about it peeling within two to three years, expect to pay significantly less at a car painting specialty shop.
At a Body Shop
At a Paint Specialty Shop
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