American Invasion of Iraq - Jihad Or Crusade
Many Americans believe that they have been let down by a government that, although came to power through questionable circumstances, but was overwhelmingly given the baton for the second term, which eventually led America to financial and economic meltdown coupled with very negative diplomatic standing.
I cannot see any reason why so many people are so surprised at this grim report given the fact that many people have been pointing to this fact since the beginning of the war.
It must be noted that the ruthless government run by George Bush has shown itself from the beginning as a harbinger of discord and mutual mistrust between Muslims and Christians and between the East and the West.
Filled with hatred and envy, George Bush has always focused his attention on the Middle East right from the day he was sworn in.
In view of this, he has created a three point score card for himself setting to achieve three main goals before the end of his administration.
The following are the three major assignments he has imposed on himself and he considered them as a 'do or die' affair - He rather not be in government than fail to achieve them: 1.
He must find a way of nailing Saddam and cage him forever or get him killed at all cost, even if it will signal the end of Iraq as a country.
After all, he has to revenge the embarrassment caused his father by this self appointed Arab leader.
America is obsessed with oil.
The country needs constant supply of oil.
The enemy (Saddam) was sitting on the second largest deposit of oil in the world.
He has to be eliminated for the free flow of oil to be guaranteed forever while a stooge or quasi government must be installed to do the American bidding.
The main pipe taking oil across the Atlantic passes through another unfriendly country of Afghanistan.
This country was being governed by a hard line government that would never allow America to gain free access to its resources.
That government must be toppled and quickly so to guarantee easy and unobtrusive supply of oil to the American people who needs it badly.
America needs a stooge there also to do her bidding for her.
Of all communities of the world, Muslims are the most difficult people to manipulate.
Every other community has succumbed to the American cum western domination, looking up to the west as the superior society and westerners as superior people.
Muslims on the other hands see themselves even superior to the west and the Islamic civilization as superior to the western civilization.
The worst part is that 70% of the most wanted mineral resources (oil and Gas) remained in the hands of Muslims.
To achieve the American supremacist objectives, these people must be brought under control.
This might not be an easy task especially at the time when Islam still remains the fastest growing religion in the world.
To this end, an intellectual and military battle must be waged to demoralize, dehumanize and subdue these people using all brutal means but which must be hidden from the public.
The above is the worldview under which the Bush administration was operating.
It was saddled with personal struggle for vengeance to regain the family pride lost during the 1990's Operation Desert Storm, coupled with the president's and his cronies' crusade ambition as well as a dangerously extreme national pride with desperate efforts to superimpose American culture and life style on the rest of the world.
To buttress this point, a quick look into some events during the administration's time in power would be relevant here.
- Bush was just on his 100th day in power when the two tower world trade center was attacked living thousands of people dead.
Much as we would not like to succumb to the theory that the attack was masterminded by the government, the failure of the Federal Government to commission a compressive public inquiry into the matter up till the end of its eight-year term has given the theory some verisimilitude.
Remember, this attack is the main point that the administration used to justify the invasion of Afghanistan.
- Not long before the Afghanistan invasion, the Bush administration decided to invade Iraq without even waiting for the matter to be discussed and approved by the parliament.
The speed and suddenness at which the war started despite the full cooperation of Saddam Husein with UN inspectors for weapon of mass destruction really caused some suspicion.
Also, the summary killing of Saddam Husein's two sons by American solders without trial or prosecution and declaration of his daughters as wanted confirmed that Bush was taking the war as personal vengeance against the personality of Saddam and not for national security as claimed.
The intention was to wipe out the entire family of Saddam as a personal achievement.
Saddam was hanged anyway and all members of his family eliminated except his two daughters in Jordan.
If the King of Jordan had accepted the demand of the new Iraqi government, they would have been handed to the Iyad Alawi government of inquisition which would have found them guilty of one thing or the other and order them hanged.
Considering all these, one can clearly conclude that the Iraq war is no less than a crusade cascaded as the war for freedom.
This further explains the reason why Mr Rumsfeld briefings to the president on the war came with many quotes from the Bible.
One can therefore understand Bush properly when he claimed that it was God that called on him to invade Iraq.