Writing Contests for Young Girls
- Some of the most important essays a girl writes for herself are the ones that help her earn a spot in college. It's never too early for a young girl to begin researching and practicing the different writing contests through which scholarships and financial aid are won. Some contests are broad, asking merely why the girl is a good fit for the university. Others take a different approach, using a hypothetical situation to determine information about the girl based on her answer. Even more contests are geared toward a certain interest group, such as girls of a certain ethnic background or those wanting to study a specific subject.
- Prepare young girls for scholastic writing contests by having them submit to contests in magazines or even create your own. Make sure the contest has a certain focus by narrowing down what it asks of the girls. Ask specifically why the young girl is a good leader or what is something she does better than anyone else, rather than a vague "tell me about yourself" contest. Broaden the young girl's horizon by inquiring about things she could do to change the world or investigate how her life is both similar and different from a girl living in another country.
- Keep in mind the different types of manuscripts contests will look for. Submissions could be made in the form of short stories, poetry, fiction, non-fiction or memoirs. Some entries may need to be written in first- or third-person and not exceed a certain word or page limit. Young girls will need to tailor their writing to work within the frame of the contest.
- For any contest there are certain aspects young girls, as well as those who help them, should be aware of. In addition to the contest rules, keep an eye out for any outrageous fees which will go hand-in-hand with the contest's credibility. As important as the writing seems, make sure the girls know that researching the company conducting the contest is even more pertinent.
Ideas for Writing Contests
Types of Writing
Be Aware