How to Sign Up for Unemployment in Michigan
- 1). Select the "file a claim" button from the homepage and read the details on the next page (see link to the site below in the Resources section). After reading the details, select the "I agree" button to continue to the next page. Pay close attention to all the details on this page. It will tell you all the information you need to file online.
- 2). Enter your social security number, name, driver's license number and create a pin number. Once you have all the information entered, click the "proceed" button. If you do not have a driver's license, enter your state identification number and check the appropriate box.
- 3). Answer the yes or no questions on the next page and then proceed to the next page. The next page will ask you some questions about your employers. It is important to enter all the employers you worked for during the last 18 months. When you are finished entering all the questions, click the "proceed" button.
- 4). Answer the questions as to whether you are an alien with a green card. Answer all the questions truthfully or the system will not recognize you and will stop the claim process.
- 5). Continue through the question and answer process until you reach the end of the claim process. You will then be instructed to print out your information before filing the claim. After you print the information and verify that it is correct, click the "file a claim" button.