How to Create & Save a Resume
- 1). Select a word processor to create your resume. This may include Microsoft Word, Apple iWork, OpenOffice or another program that will allow you to write printable material.
- 2). Determine if your word processor contains resume templates. For instance, Microsoft Word users will find them in the program's "Project Gallery" and iWork users will find them in the "Template Gallery."
- 3). Select a template for your resume. If your program does not contain templates, you can make your own by copying a sample resume from the Internet and pasting it into a blank document.
- 4). Insert your personal information, including your full name, address, phone number, fax (if applicable) and email address. For template users, simply insert the information in the spaces indicated by the document. For those not using a template, insert this information at the top of the page, using a separate line for each piece of information.
- 5). Insert headings if your template or document does not already list them. They will include "Objective" or "Summary," "Experience," "Education" and "Skills." Headings should appear on the left side of the page and contain their own font, color or size that differentiates them from the rest of the text. For instance, you may use a light green to make the headings stand out, or indicate them in boldface.
- 6). Fill in your objective statement beneath the heading using a simple, professional font such as Courier or Times New Roman. This will outline the specific job position you seek.
- 7). List your experiences according to relevance. For instance, if you seek an engineering job, then list other engineering-related positions near the top, even if they are not the most recent. The title of the job should appear on the left side of the page, and the start and end date should appear on the right side. List the specific job roles and achievements below using bullet points and leave a space between each job.
- 8). List the schools you attended and pertinent skills beneath the appropriate headings. You do not need bullet points for these sections.
- 9). Save your work. In many programs, you will find a "Save" option beneath the "File" menu. In other programs, you will see a picture of a black or blue floppy disk at the top of the document. Mac users can also press the "Command" button and the letter "S" simultaneously to save.