Rent a Car In Denmark And Take a Tour to Copenhagen
*Seat belts are compulsory for both front and rear seat passengers
*Driving is done on the right side of the road
*Maximum speed limit on a highway is 130km/h on an open road – 80km/h
*Children under 3 years must use a special chair
*Allowed blood alcohol limit is 0.5 milligrams of alcohol per milliliter.
*The safe bet is always better not to drink and drive at all.
So you have decided to rent a car in Denmark. An excellent choice, Denmark is beautiful country and the perfect vacation destination. Denmark is a very developed country and its capital Copenhagen will provide you with many different options. Specialities of Danish cooking include open sandwiches, boiled or sugar browned potatoes, boiled red cabbage, roast pork and roast duck.As the size of Denmark is quite small it perfectly suited for car travel. Car rentals in Denmark are very popular as car travel offers you the possibility to explore and discover Denmark very closely.
Denmark is a rather small country situated in the north of Europe. It is on the crossroads between the North and Baltic seas. Although a rather small country in size Denmark has an unique landscape as it is a very flat land without major mountains. If you are interested in history and culture, Denmark is the perfect destination as it has one of the oldest monarchies in Europe. Denmark was also the home of Vikings so there is a possibility to visit Viking ruins and medieval castles and find out more about this part of the history. On the other hand if you just want to relax Denmark has superb beaches along the Baltic Sea coast. The climate is very mild and perfectly suited for people who prefer rent a car in Denmark and this kind of climate conditions.