Cardio Exercises For Burning Belly Fat - The Top 5 Cardio Workouts to Lose Abdominal Fat Revealed
The abdomen and the belly area are the prime targets of all the dieters.
There are several diets and weight loss programs available to have a slim waist.
But before venturing in to any of these, it is advisable to know about them in detail.
The most important thing is that the diet must not starve you.
You also need to know the ideal fat to muscle ratio of your body.
The standard ratio you need to attain can be easily achieved by the cardiovascular exercises & weight lifting.
Cardio Exercises for Burning Belly Fat They are considered the best exercises to burn abdominal fat.
Workouts like jogging & swimming aid in overall weight loss.
They also increase the metabolic rate of your body and hence make the fat loss easier even when you are sleeping.
On a regular basis, these exercises may be done for one hour daily.
Given below are top 5 cardio exercises for burning the belly fat: o Step Aerobics :It consists of an intense workout for your hips, legs and buttocks.
It helps in burning calories equivalent to swimming.
It can be done at home as well as in the gym.
o Elliptical trainer: For the people who can afford these machines, elliptical trainer is a great way of burning calories.
It further protects your joints from injuries caused by the impact activities.
o Power walking:Brisk walking may not burn as many calories as are burnt by running, but it minimizes the damage to your joints that may be caused by the impact with the ground.
o Rowing: Rowing machines are very simple to use.
They burn as many calories as running or cycling may do.
Vigorous rowing increases your heart rate and helps in burning more calories.
o Rock Climbing :It burns almost equal amount of calories as burnt through swimming.
It needs special equipments and techniques.
But it is great fun especially when done with a partner.
These cardio exercises for burning belly fat may be incorporated with the acai berry diet.
Acai berry gives wonderful results without starving you and it also does not have any side effects.
This boosts the metabolic rate and serves as a great natural appetite suppressant.
It further helps in burning the abdominal fat through its high fiber content.
There are several diets and weight loss programs available to have a slim waist.
But before venturing in to any of these, it is advisable to know about them in detail.
The most important thing is that the diet must not starve you.
You also need to know the ideal fat to muscle ratio of your body.
The standard ratio you need to attain can be easily achieved by the cardiovascular exercises & weight lifting.
Cardio Exercises for Burning Belly Fat They are considered the best exercises to burn abdominal fat.
Workouts like jogging & swimming aid in overall weight loss.
They also increase the metabolic rate of your body and hence make the fat loss easier even when you are sleeping.
On a regular basis, these exercises may be done for one hour daily.
Given below are top 5 cardio exercises for burning the belly fat: o Step Aerobics :It consists of an intense workout for your hips, legs and buttocks.
It helps in burning calories equivalent to swimming.
It can be done at home as well as in the gym.
o Elliptical trainer: For the people who can afford these machines, elliptical trainer is a great way of burning calories.
It further protects your joints from injuries caused by the impact activities.
o Power walking:Brisk walking may not burn as many calories as are burnt by running, but it minimizes the damage to your joints that may be caused by the impact with the ground.
o Rowing: Rowing machines are very simple to use.
They burn as many calories as running or cycling may do.
Vigorous rowing increases your heart rate and helps in burning more calories.
o Rock Climbing :It burns almost equal amount of calories as burnt through swimming.
It needs special equipments and techniques.
But it is great fun especially when done with a partner.
These cardio exercises for burning belly fat may be incorporated with the acai berry diet.
Acai berry gives wonderful results without starving you and it also does not have any side effects.
This boosts the metabolic rate and serves as a great natural appetite suppressant.
It further helps in burning the abdominal fat through its high fiber content.