Green Tea Supplement Capsules
The evidence is overwhelmingly strong that green tea can enhance wellness and overall health.
Tea drinking has increased greatly over the last few years as more and more studies confirm what the ancient Chinese have known for centuries! But, what if you don't like the taste of green tea? Drinking tea may not be "your cup of tea".
Don't worry! If you want the powerful antioxidant benefits from drinking 4-5 cups a day, why not try green tea supplement capsules? Even if you enjoy the fresh taste of green tea, you may just not have the time to brew 4-5 cups a day in which case the capsule form of green tea is an excellent way to increase your intake of healthy antioxidant.
Green tea supplement capsules are really nothing more than green tea extract and you'll get exactly the SAME benefit as the liquid form.
You may actually getmore consistent potency benefits from capsules since the ingredients are carefully measured in the manufacturing process.
Most green tea supplement capsules you'll find contain 125-500 mg of Polyphenol, which is the effective antioxidant in green tea.
This powerful ingredient not only helps protect against prostate, stomach, bladder, pancreas, rectal and esophageal cancers, but are also used to ease stomach problems and to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Also, clinical tests have shown that another natural ingredient called EGCG, is a powerful antioxidant that is also contained in green tea supplement capsules as well.
This compound basically defends your cells from becoming cancerous by seeking out and destroyingfree radicals within your body.
Green tea supplement capsules couldn't be an easier way to stay healthy.
They're not very expensive either.
Recommended dosage is about 500 mg polyphenol daily, typically 1 or 2 green tea supplement capsules.
Tea drinking has increased greatly over the last few years as more and more studies confirm what the ancient Chinese have known for centuries! But, what if you don't like the taste of green tea? Drinking tea may not be "your cup of tea".
Don't worry! If you want the powerful antioxidant benefits from drinking 4-5 cups a day, why not try green tea supplement capsules? Even if you enjoy the fresh taste of green tea, you may just not have the time to brew 4-5 cups a day in which case the capsule form of green tea is an excellent way to increase your intake of healthy antioxidant.
Green tea supplement capsules are really nothing more than green tea extract and you'll get exactly the SAME benefit as the liquid form.
You may actually getmore consistent potency benefits from capsules since the ingredients are carefully measured in the manufacturing process.
Most green tea supplement capsules you'll find contain 125-500 mg of Polyphenol, which is the effective antioxidant in green tea.
This powerful ingredient not only helps protect against prostate, stomach, bladder, pancreas, rectal and esophageal cancers, but are also used to ease stomach problems and to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Also, clinical tests have shown that another natural ingredient called EGCG, is a powerful antioxidant that is also contained in green tea supplement capsules as well.
This compound basically defends your cells from becoming cancerous by seeking out and destroyingfree radicals within your body.
Green tea supplement capsules couldn't be an easier way to stay healthy.
They're not very expensive either.
Recommended dosage is about 500 mg polyphenol daily, typically 1 or 2 green tea supplement capsules.