Treating Premature Ejaculation Naturally - Boost Your Sexual Stamina With This 4 Step Strategy
There are several products made available to us that are said to have the ability to cure premature ejaculation, and help you last longer in bed.
These include de-sensitizing sprays, "climax control" condoms, pills, and creams.
These are functional products, but they are also temporary solutions that force you to rely on those products when you want to last longer in bed.
The most effective way to permanently cure your rapid ejaculation is by concentrating on the underlying causes of the issue.
In order to do that, you should first learn about this natural, time-tested, 4 step strategy laid out below.
Step #1 - Find out what factors are contributing to your premature ejaculation There are a number of causes to premature ejaculation, each one of those causes affects every guy differently.
Here are a few of those factors: stress, anxiety (including 'performance anxiety'), and poor masturbation habits developed during teenage years.
Erectile dysfunction is also a significant factor contributing to ejaculation, because guys rush through sex fearing that they're unable to sustain their erection.
Step #2 - Set a goal for how long do you really want to last This step is extremely important if you are serious about increasing your longevity in the bedroom.
A lot of guys set an immediate goal of about 20 minutes.
This is not a realistic goal, especially if you last under a minute.
Set your goals in small increments such as, shoot for 3 minutes then 3 minutes and 30 seconds and so on.
Eventually you will be in the double digits of 'staying power'.
Step #3 - Stay positive.
Like everything else worth fighting for in life; if you don't believe that you can do it, your setting yourself up for failure.
You have to keep a positive attitude and believe that you CAN successfully cure your premature ejaculation problem, like the ones before you who believed in themselves.
Keep a positive image of the possibilities you can achieve with your increased sexual performance.
Think of how much more pleasure your going to give to your partner, and how much more you will be able to enjoy lasting longer in bed without to fear of premature ejaculation getting in the way of your experience.
Step #4 - Stay the course until you reach your desired level of performance There are several techniques available to naturally train and condition yourself to last longer in bed.
Some examples of these include breathing exercises, arousal control, pelvic floor exercises, and proper masturbation techniques.
It is imperative that you remain consistent with your training.
Permanently treating premature ejaculation takes time because your body needs time to adjust to these changes.
Stay focused on your goal of lasting longer in bed, and stay persistent in your training.
Keep in mind that you can do this because practice makes perfect!