Inside the Southern Baptist Church Service

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There are many types of Baptists worship services and churches.
For instance, there's the regular Baptist Church, then the First Baptist Church, then the Southern Baptist Church and several others.
Just like any other denomination, Baptist Church service attendance varies.
You will find all types of individuals in each gathering.
When most people close their eyes and imagine what a Baptist Church service looks like, they'll almost always describe people clapping and dancing to the music on Sunday morning.
It's widely understood that Baptist's love their music.
It's also widely believed that their preachers speak on brimstone and fire and are always "fired up" during the service.
However, in a Southern Baptist Churches this is not the case.
Southern Baptists tend to listen to the older Christian songs and even the toe tapping is noticed while the songs are sung.
The reason is that there's usually no clapping and there's usually no dancing.
What you will find are some closing their eyes and soaking each word, lyric and beat into their hearts.
You will find others with an "Amen" on their lips.
Yet, all are listening intently and silently.
During the service itself, the preacher may speak on brimstone and fire but mostly he's preaching of salvation and love.
You'll not find the Southern Baptist Preacher, in most cases, screaming from the top of his lungs or dancing down the aisles.
He may raise his voice or stand on his tip toes, but mostly he's behind the pulpit and speaking with a normal tone.
At the end of the Southern Baptist Church service, there's always a invitation to receive Jesus and accept salvation.
As in any Baptist worship service or church, you will see tears and feel the Lord's presence at this time.
The preacher will always hold the person's hand and welcome the new Christian brother or sister into the Church as well as announce their decision to follow in baptism.
Next, the preacher asks the church to welcome the new follower into their midst and a line forms down the sides of the church.
Everyone will shake the hand of the new Christian and congratulate him/her.
Hugs and kisses and "I love yous" are prevalent.
This is a joyous time for all.
Upon leaving the church, many will gather and talk or make plans for lunch.
Whilst the Southern Baptist Church service may not look as exciting as other Baptist services, it is just as genuine and loving as any.
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