Rich Entrepreneurs
As pimps would say, "money makes the world go round.
" Well, coming from a business perspective, it actually does.
And I declare this without any bias or corruption.
Moreover, I can confidently say that everyone who knows this turn out to be rich entrepreneurs.
See, money makes businesses.
Businesses circulate money.
This circulation boosts economies.
Economies keep the world running.
And when our economies are running well, there are more opportunities to create more money.
It's that simple.
Any elemental absence in this cycle would put a halt to everything in the world.
Well, may be seas will still roll and trees will still grow.
But my point is: everything we are, everything that we do, everything that we will be, every dream we have, will all be meaningless in the face of crisis.
Crisis, in simple terms, is the mismanagement of money.
So it goes without saying that in order to become successful and rich entrepreneurs, those who aspire are expected to have a certain appreciation for money.
But to emphasize, this appreciation should not be adulterated by greed.
Otherwise, you are bound to fail.
See, greed only compels you to hoard.
When you hoard, there's mismanagement of finances, and in the end, crisis.
So in addition, successful entrepreneurs should also have a certain finesse for handling money.
Now, if you think you don't and you are aspiring to be an entrepreneur, then you have got to start learning.
You can't survive in the field of business without any knowledge, whatsoever, in finances.
To get you on your way, here are some tips you can refer to: • Keep a good tally of your financial activities - what money goes in, what money goes out.
You can't maintain a business if your expenditures cost more than your returns.
If you have a record of the things you do with your money, you'll be able to gauge whether or not you have the capacity to operate at normal standards, or tone down your cash outflows.
• Secure financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements You can't run a business without considering your assets and liabilities.
A balance sheet will reflect your gains and losses for the business period.
One thing that entrepreneurs should remember is that both assets and liabilities should be balanced.
If not, it would imply that there is an anomaly in fund handling.
• Review previous financial statements and prepare budget plans for every accounting year.
This is done to avoid overspending.
If there are still inventories left over from the previous accounting year that's usable, you might as well cut down on your inventory budget.
If certain equipments have broken down before, you can allocate money for the repair or purchase of new equipment.
Just remember that you have to establish a budget on the premise of your previous expenditure, give a bit of allowance for emergencies and stick to it all throughout the year.
Rich entrepreneurs know how to handle finances.
If you want to become one, then you have to begin involvement.
" Well, coming from a business perspective, it actually does.
And I declare this without any bias or corruption.
Moreover, I can confidently say that everyone who knows this turn out to be rich entrepreneurs.
See, money makes businesses.
Businesses circulate money.
This circulation boosts economies.
Economies keep the world running.
And when our economies are running well, there are more opportunities to create more money.
It's that simple.
Any elemental absence in this cycle would put a halt to everything in the world.
Well, may be seas will still roll and trees will still grow.
But my point is: everything we are, everything that we do, everything that we will be, every dream we have, will all be meaningless in the face of crisis.
Crisis, in simple terms, is the mismanagement of money.
So it goes without saying that in order to become successful and rich entrepreneurs, those who aspire are expected to have a certain appreciation for money.
But to emphasize, this appreciation should not be adulterated by greed.
Otherwise, you are bound to fail.
See, greed only compels you to hoard.
When you hoard, there's mismanagement of finances, and in the end, crisis.
So in addition, successful entrepreneurs should also have a certain finesse for handling money.
Now, if you think you don't and you are aspiring to be an entrepreneur, then you have got to start learning.
You can't survive in the field of business without any knowledge, whatsoever, in finances.
To get you on your way, here are some tips you can refer to: • Keep a good tally of your financial activities - what money goes in, what money goes out.
You can't maintain a business if your expenditures cost more than your returns.
If you have a record of the things you do with your money, you'll be able to gauge whether or not you have the capacity to operate at normal standards, or tone down your cash outflows.
• Secure financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements You can't run a business without considering your assets and liabilities.
A balance sheet will reflect your gains and losses for the business period.
One thing that entrepreneurs should remember is that both assets and liabilities should be balanced.
If not, it would imply that there is an anomaly in fund handling.
• Review previous financial statements and prepare budget plans for every accounting year.
This is done to avoid overspending.
If there are still inventories left over from the previous accounting year that's usable, you might as well cut down on your inventory budget.
If certain equipments have broken down before, you can allocate money for the repair or purchase of new equipment.
Just remember that you have to establish a budget on the premise of your previous expenditure, give a bit of allowance for emergencies and stick to it all throughout the year.
Rich entrepreneurs know how to handle finances.
If you want to become one, then you have to begin involvement.