Monavie Juice – Acai Berry Scam or Super Food?
You got it, another MonaVie juice review. But I'll wager that this mlm review of Monavie juice is destined to be just a tad bit different from most of the others you've read, since it's going to come from a very distinctive pont of view. If you want straight talk from someone who has in fact had personal experience both as a drinker of Monavie and as a Monavie representative, then you are definitely in luck, because that is exactly what I'm going to give you right now.
Let me be painfully transparent here…I am no longer associated with Monavie in any way. Moreover no, I'm not some bitter, failure ex-rep either. Just bear in mind here, in this mlm review, I'm only going to be discussing the Monavie juice; not the company or the pay plan or the business building methods…just the juice. And you're going to get a very honest, straightforward review from someone who drank it for just about a year. So let's get to it.
Before we examine each Monavie juice individually, let's take a look at the "star ingredient" in all of Monavie's products, the acai berry. While each of the three Monavie juice blends contain 19 different fruits that all provide exceptional health benefits, it's indisputable that acai berries are the stars of the Monavie show, and with very good reason. The reason there is such a great deal of hype about the acai berry and acai berry drinks and pills is that there are a ton of scientific studies that confirm the nutritional value of this superfood. There is no place for doubt as to the benefits this fruit provides for your body.
One of the keys to the popularity of Monavie juice is their exclusive freeze-drying procedure that provides a quality of acai powder unsurpassed in the industry and one that *"boasts an ORAC score (a measure of antioxidant power) higher than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, on a gram-for-gram basis," according to the Monavie corporate site. As you have probably already determined, all methods of processing acai berries are not created equal, so therefore all acai berry products are not created equal. In fact, countless acai products downright give that small Brazilian berry a bad reputation, as they were harvested and processed in such a way as to virtually strip all of the valuable nutrients and polyphenols (a powerful family of antioxidants that aid in neutralizing the damaging effects that free radicals can inflict on your body) right out of the acai berries, and render them pretty much useless.
The quality of the acai berries in each Monavie juice is definitely one of the places that Monavie stands out, so they pretty much get 5 stars for quality, and I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to argue against that. So how about the health benefits that Monavie drinkers go on about? Now understand clearly here that the company makes no medical claims about their product. If they were to do that, the product would fall under the category of a drug and would then be subject to the control of the FDA. As an alternative, like all of the other health and wellness supplement companies out there, they can merely present broad benefits along with the scientifically verified value of the antioxidants in their products.
With that little disclaimer out of the way, you can indeed find literally thousands of testimonials concerning the health benefits of all three of the Monavie juice blends. If you want to read a number of of those, just type "Monavie testimonials" in a google search window and you'll receive more than 800,000 results to check out. Since you have access to all of that info yourself, I'm simply going to share what drinking Monavie Active did for both me and my husband Clint while we were drinking it.
Both of us began to sleep better almost immediately, which was a big blessing for Clint since his back has woken him up several times a night for years. After only about a week of drinking Monavie Active, Clint additionally became aware of a substantial decrease in his back pain, which has basically been a problem all of his adult life. And both of us experienced a great deal of relief from our seasonal allergies, which since we've relocated here to central Texas became progressively worse.
As for myself, I suffer from mild joint problems and constantly struggle with both my weight and my energy. For the year (give or take) that we drank the Active blend of Monavie juice I practically had no joint pain, severely limited my coffee drinking, had oodles of energy, maintained my weight in a range I was contented with, and felt terrific! Clint drank 2 ounces day and night, and I drank 3, but truth be told, we both enjoyed the taste and how it made us feel so much that we would have drank it by the glassful had we been able to afford to do that at the time. We just loved it. So I'd for my part have to award it 5 stars for both taste and health benefits as well. However, I do recognize that everyone's body is different, and everyone experiences different results at different rates. And I'm certain I don't have to mention that everyone has unique tastes.
(By the way, in the event you're curious about why we no longer drink Monavie juice or are with the company, that's a matter that I'll talk about in another article that talks about the Monavie opportunity. Seeing as this review is limited to the juice itself, I'm not going to talk about that here.)
All right, let's take a brief look at the different kinds of Monavie juice blends that Monavie offers. When I was part of the company, they only had Monavie Original and Monavie Active, but they have since added to their product line, so lets examine what each of the three acai juice blends provide in addition to the all natural "energy drink" they now offer. As provided on the Monavie corporate site, all three of the Monavie juice blends has *AçaVie™-the purest, most potent form of açai available.
MonaVie Essential™ is a blend of 19 beneficial fruits including the AçaVie, along with this list of fruits: apple, grape, pear, aronia, prune, kiwi, cranberry, black currant, blueberry, pomegranate, wolfberry, camu camu, maqui, acerola, banana, cupuaçu, bilberry, jabuticaba.
MonaVie Active® is a mixture of the same 19 beneficial fruits along with scientifically validated glucosamine, which is designed to be directed at joint mobility and flexibility.
MonaVie Pulse™ focuses on heart health and is a merger of 19 fruits (some different than the other 2 juices) plus resveratrol and plant sterols,* which have been clinically shown to help lower cholesterol, as provided on the Monavie corporate site. In addition to the AçaVie™, this "cardioprotective" Monavie juice that is designed to support optimal cell health and healthy cholesterol levels contains grape, pineapple, apple, pomegranate, prickly pear, elderberry, yumberry, bilberry, blueberry, cherry, maqui, cranberry, strawberry, aronia, acerola, cupuaçu, jabuticaba, camu camu.
Last but definitely not least is the new and market timely MonaVie EMV®, which is a proprietary blend of antioxidant rich fruits, including the Brazilian superfruits açai and maqui, and natural sources of energy. As provided on the Monavie corporate site, *"this lightly carbonated formula increases performance, endurance, and concentration by kicking up your energy level and keeping it there-without a subsequent crash" and contains Açai, apple, grape, pear, acerola, cupuaçu, and camu camu, palatinose, D-ribose, guarana, green tea, cha de burge, maca, yerba mate, panax ginseng, and L-tyrosine. I actually had the opportunity to drink a citrus Monavie EMV just the other day and loved it.
Well, I think we've covered all of the critical stuff in this review of Monavie juice with maybe the exception of the price. To a lot of people the juice is a bit pricey basically because most folks in this country live paycheck to paycheck or only a little above that level. Anything not strictly in the budget is a hardship to come up with the money for on a monthly basis for most of these people (which is why, of course, they offer you the opportunity to become a rep to try and have your Monavie juice paid for by others). But it is certainly comparative and competitive with the market, and the old saying, "you get what you pay for" is absolutely true in this case. I have personally tried a large assortment of online and in store acai berry drinks and acai pills, and the only thing I'll mention here is that they were only worth trying one time. If you want quality, you're going to have to pay for it.
That rounds out my Monavie juice review. I award it 5 Stars for taste, quality and health benefits, and 4 Stars for price. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...Happy Juicing!