Free Bridal Shower Game Idea To Have Fun and Save Money
If you are in the midst of planning a bridal shower and wracking your mind to find a clever way to entertain everyone outside of the food and beverages, you may want to consider using a free bridal shower game.
The idea here is to offer great entertainment and save you some money in the process.
A great free bridal shower game idea can really be priceless.
The memories that these games will create are worth their weight in gold.
My first suggestion only requires toilet paper.
Like it already don't you? Toilet Paper Wedding Gown It gets better, the mothers and the future sister in law, if there is one, are the victims...
I mean the models.
Depending on the number of attendees that you have, divide into two or three even and equal groups.
The goal of this free bridal shower game idea is to make the bride her bridal gown and be the first one done with your gown of toilet paper.
The bride gets to sit back and enjoy seeing her mom and future mother in law decked out in toilet paper.
The only thing that would make this free bridal shower game idea better is if they still made the colored toilet paper like in the 70s.
Preparing for the Honeymoon If you are not well stocked with toilet paper then above-mentioned free bridal shower game idea may not be for you.
If you like a good story then here is the game for you.
All it will cost is a little embarrassment to the bride.
I call this one Preparing for the Honeymoon.
What you are going to do is start a story about the new couple leaving for their honeymoon and what is going to happen.
I suggest you sit and think about how you will start the story the night before.
The funnier and more embarrassing you can make it the better.
Explain to all involved that they are each going to contribute to the story by building off what the person before said.
Give everyone a few minutes to think and then start the story.
The story might start like this, "Joe and Kim are going on their honeymoon and Joe is a little scared...
" While this is a free bridal shower game idea, it is absolutely priceless.
How Well Do You Know the Bride? Ok, so you don't want to be that creative, but the thought of truly having a blushing bride intrigues you, then here is my final suggestion for a free bridal shower game idea.
It is called "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" You will need the bride to divulge some personal and secret information and while you make up the rest.
Let the bride read the items so that when you are reading them off, she doesn't give away whether it is true or false.
These are just a few free bridal shower game idea options.
Each will save you a few bucks and create memories that can't be bought anywhere.
The idea here is to offer great entertainment and save you some money in the process.
A great free bridal shower game idea can really be priceless.
The memories that these games will create are worth their weight in gold.
My first suggestion only requires toilet paper.
Like it already don't you? Toilet Paper Wedding Gown It gets better, the mothers and the future sister in law, if there is one, are the victims...
I mean the models.
Depending on the number of attendees that you have, divide into two or three even and equal groups.
The goal of this free bridal shower game idea is to make the bride her bridal gown and be the first one done with your gown of toilet paper.
The bride gets to sit back and enjoy seeing her mom and future mother in law decked out in toilet paper.
The only thing that would make this free bridal shower game idea better is if they still made the colored toilet paper like in the 70s.
Preparing for the Honeymoon If you are not well stocked with toilet paper then above-mentioned free bridal shower game idea may not be for you.
If you like a good story then here is the game for you.
All it will cost is a little embarrassment to the bride.
I call this one Preparing for the Honeymoon.
What you are going to do is start a story about the new couple leaving for their honeymoon and what is going to happen.
I suggest you sit and think about how you will start the story the night before.
The funnier and more embarrassing you can make it the better.
Explain to all involved that they are each going to contribute to the story by building off what the person before said.
Give everyone a few minutes to think and then start the story.
The story might start like this, "Joe and Kim are going on their honeymoon and Joe is a little scared...
" While this is a free bridal shower game idea, it is absolutely priceless.
How Well Do You Know the Bride? Ok, so you don't want to be that creative, but the thought of truly having a blushing bride intrigues you, then here is my final suggestion for a free bridal shower game idea.
It is called "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" You will need the bride to divulge some personal and secret information and while you make up the rest.
Let the bride read the items so that when you are reading them off, she doesn't give away whether it is true or false.
These are just a few free bridal shower game idea options.
Each will save you a few bucks and create memories that can't be bought anywhere.