Purchasing the Right Accoutrements for a Tantalizing Meal
If it's too hot stay out of the kitchen
But this time I think I just might take a try
Yet it is certainly true that I might be more than a little foolish
to hop into the fire without a bit of extra preparation
So after consulting with my friends
I found that a scullery for a master chef
might be more likely to put me in a positive light
So off I went to the utility shop
Of course we started with the basics
a cooker with an oven, a microwave and a modern icebox
After that we started to be a little creative
Egg beaters popped into my head
A blender for chocolate shakes
Then for some reason I thought of kneading dough
Rolling pins became a necessary item
A variety of pans for baking cakes
and plasticware for storing cookies might work best of all
And I think toll house would be the proper kind
But what about pizza?
Special olive oil would be a major asset
But just tell me how do I grate the cheese?
A large grater would be a handy tool
But what about a traditional meal?
A tender roast and mashed potatoes would certainly do
So I must buy pots, pots and more pots
And come to think about it sometimes when I'm cooking
I like to have a little nip
A large carafe for my favorite French wine would quench my thirst
And if I'm on the run a leather flask might do the trick
And what about the condiments?
Perhaps I should begin with something simple
Glass salt and pepper shakers will suffice
Two tin canisters for tea and coffee will definitely help
Oh I almost forgot
Small glass bottles for soy sauce and vinegar
What would I do without Chinese food and Fish and Chips?
In the winter, I often like to make a good beef stew
So a large cauldron would definitely be quite convenient
And it will also be good for my spicy chili
But butter, butter, butter
Where would I be without butter?
A big vat for creamy butter
A fine set of bowls to put fruit on the dinner table
Jars for dill pickles and other fermented stuff as well
Of course, a new hopper for the fish
not just any old water tank would do
A tasteful collection of plates
And last but not least, utensils
Where would I be without forks, knives and spoons?