5 Golden Tips For Stacking on Muscle Mass
The practise of weight training has been around for many years now and is widely used amongst professional sportsmen and women as well as recreational lifters.
With that being the case why is it then that so many people struggle to build muscle up so much.
Well the main reason is that there is too much information out there that is conflicting and often the writers have there own hidden agendas such as selling weight gain products, protein powders and so on.
The truth is thought that there is no an enormous body of evidence that has been constructed through trial and error over the years that points towards several important corner stones that are required in order to build muscle up.
Here they are, ignore them at your peril! 1)Use free weights.
Free weights are by far the most efficient and effective way to build muscle mass for two main reasons.
Firstly they allow the lifter to lift large amounts of weight which in turn leads to increased muscle mass and secondly, they mirror the body's natural movement patterns unlike machine weight training which only allows you to work in one plane of movement.
The other reason to use free weight is that whilst lifting barbells you are working not only the prime mover 9targetted muscle) but also you are working the muscles around the prime mover to stabilise the body in order to perform the movement, this leads to more muscle being used and increased muscle mass.
2)Workout using compound exercises.
Compound exercises are large multi-joint exercises such as: the bench press, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups and barbell rows.
These type of exercises work large muscle groups in their entirety and allow you to lift more weight and stimulate more muscle growth then smaller isolation exercises such as bicep curls.
In fact you will get bigger biceps from lifting heavy weight in compound back exercises than from doing bicep curls, fact! 3)Train your legs hard.
Training your legs hard by doing squats and deadlifts is very stressful for the body which in turn releases a series of chemicals/hormones that make the body highly anabolic which significantly boosts the muscle building process.
Plus it looks pretty stupid to have a big upper body and weak looking leg muscles.
4)Workout for under one hour.
If you workout for more then 50-60 minutes the balance of hormones in the body becomes very unfavourable for muscle building.
For that reason you should limit your workouts to under an hour in total.
Short sharp workouts is what is required for maximum muscle growth stimulation.
5)Eat lots.
Muscles are not produced out of thin air they have to be created from excess calories that the body has not used up during the day.
This is where most people go wrong, they simply do not eat enough.
To get around this problem one common approach is to drink a gallon of whole milk each day.
This provides ample amount of calories and heaps of quality protein that your body can easily make use of.
Those tips are not complicated, they are short and concise and many people seem to think that building muscle s up must be more complicated than that, it isn't.
Follow the above guidelines and I can pretty much guarantee that you will build more muscle quicker than you previously had.
Now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, now train!
With that being the case why is it then that so many people struggle to build muscle up so much.
Well the main reason is that there is too much information out there that is conflicting and often the writers have there own hidden agendas such as selling weight gain products, protein powders and so on.
The truth is thought that there is no an enormous body of evidence that has been constructed through trial and error over the years that points towards several important corner stones that are required in order to build muscle up.
Here they are, ignore them at your peril! 1)Use free weights.
Free weights are by far the most efficient and effective way to build muscle mass for two main reasons.
Firstly they allow the lifter to lift large amounts of weight which in turn leads to increased muscle mass and secondly, they mirror the body's natural movement patterns unlike machine weight training which only allows you to work in one plane of movement.
The other reason to use free weight is that whilst lifting barbells you are working not only the prime mover 9targetted muscle) but also you are working the muscles around the prime mover to stabilise the body in order to perform the movement, this leads to more muscle being used and increased muscle mass.
2)Workout using compound exercises.
Compound exercises are large multi-joint exercises such as: the bench press, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups and barbell rows.
These type of exercises work large muscle groups in their entirety and allow you to lift more weight and stimulate more muscle growth then smaller isolation exercises such as bicep curls.
In fact you will get bigger biceps from lifting heavy weight in compound back exercises than from doing bicep curls, fact! 3)Train your legs hard.
Training your legs hard by doing squats and deadlifts is very stressful for the body which in turn releases a series of chemicals/hormones that make the body highly anabolic which significantly boosts the muscle building process.
Plus it looks pretty stupid to have a big upper body and weak looking leg muscles.
4)Workout for under one hour.
If you workout for more then 50-60 minutes the balance of hormones in the body becomes very unfavourable for muscle building.
For that reason you should limit your workouts to under an hour in total.
Short sharp workouts is what is required for maximum muscle growth stimulation.
5)Eat lots.
Muscles are not produced out of thin air they have to be created from excess calories that the body has not used up during the day.
This is where most people go wrong, they simply do not eat enough.
To get around this problem one common approach is to drink a gallon of whole milk each day.
This provides ample amount of calories and heaps of quality protein that your body can easily make use of.
Those tips are not complicated, they are short and concise and many people seem to think that building muscle s up must be more complicated than that, it isn't.
Follow the above guidelines and I can pretty much guarantee that you will build more muscle quicker than you previously had.
Now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, now train!