Four Important Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Applying For Gibraltar Jobs
"Jobs Gibraltar is more or less becoming a buzz word for both skilled and unskilled professionals of the UK and EU countries. There are several reasons behind it. Flourishing economy of the land, increased job opportunities, higher pay, suitable climate, lower cost of living and friendly natives are the major catalysts behind the popularity of this buzz word. According to a recent estimate, near about 10,000 foreign nationals are employed in Gibraltar in different sectors like IT, telecommunication, retail, tourism, accounting and human resource management. Gibraltar is a nice place to live in, work and save significantly to secure your future. However, before applying for any job Gibraltar, you need to keep 4 facts in mind. It will help your job search and living in Gibraltar hassle free.
Eligibility for application and appointment
All foreign nationals can not apply for the Gibraltar vacancies. Only Britons and citizens of EU countries are allowed to work here. Before applying for the job, you need to convince the concerned authority that you are not going to be a burden on their country. For Briton professionals, residence permit is not required to work here. However, for applicants of other EU countries both work and residence permit is a must.
Language of the land
English is the official language here. However, Spanish and Arabic are also regarded as second languages in some parts of Gibraltar. If you are not proficient in English, learn the language before applying for any jobs Gibraltar. Otherwise, you will definitely face problem
Knowledge about the job market
If you are a foreigner, you will be astonished to know that a significant proportion of vacancies in Gibraltar are hidden. It means, they are not advertised in newspapers or job portals. These jobs are mainly filled up by referrals and consultancies. If you know someone working here, it will be a great advantage. Otherwise, you have to figure out a suitable recruitment agency for this purpose.
Referral of the locals
While applying for any job in Gibraltar, make sure that your resume has reference of at least two Gibraltar natives. Resumes or CVs without such reference are not entertained by companies in most of the cases.
Eligibility for application and appointment
All foreign nationals can not apply for the Gibraltar vacancies. Only Britons and citizens of EU countries are allowed to work here. Before applying for the job, you need to convince the concerned authority that you are not going to be a burden on their country. For Briton professionals, residence permit is not required to work here. However, for applicants of other EU countries both work and residence permit is a must.
Language of the land
English is the official language here. However, Spanish and Arabic are also regarded as second languages in some parts of Gibraltar. If you are not proficient in English, learn the language before applying for any jobs Gibraltar. Otherwise, you will definitely face problem
Knowledge about the job market
If you are a foreigner, you will be astonished to know that a significant proportion of vacancies in Gibraltar are hidden. It means, they are not advertised in newspapers or job portals. These jobs are mainly filled up by referrals and consultancies. If you know someone working here, it will be a great advantage. Otherwise, you have to figure out a suitable recruitment agency for this purpose.
Referral of the locals
While applying for any job in Gibraltar, make sure that your resume has reference of at least two Gibraltar natives. Resumes or CVs without such reference are not entertained by companies in most of the cases.