Amish Views on Peace & Conflict
- The Amish refuse any involvement with the military or warfare. Their beliefs require them to reject violence against other people. They do not consider themselves "pacifists," as the promotion of peace is a political action, but they are committed to peace as a lifestyle.
- Based on biblical references to peace and nonresistance, the Amish point out that using violence does not allow for divine intervention in a violent situation. They also believe that death is nothing to fear and that if death results from a violent attack, then that is God's will. They also hope that a nonviolent response will reveal Christ's love to the attacker.
- The American War of Independence tested Amish principles of nonviolence. In the attempt to remain neutral, they were attacked by both sides. Amish men drafted into the military during World War I received indefinite leave as religious conscientious objectors.
Amish Beliefs
The Amish and War