Deer Resistant Azaleas
- Rhododendron spp. known as southern Indian azaleas to most people shows the most resistance to deer damage. This large plant reaches more than 8 feet high at maturity and develops large white or pink flowers. Southern Indian azaleas tolerate cold very poorly, and even in warmer states such as Georgia, they remain hardy only in southern portions of the state.
- Deer enjoy eating rhododendron austrinum, rhododeneron nudiflorum and rhododendron vaseyi. These azalea varieties often sustain significant damage from deer. Consider replacing these plants with the southern Indian azalea in warm climates, though this may not work with the nudiflorum variety, which grows in comparatively colder climates.
- Avoid planting rhododendron penclymenoides, known as pinxterbloom azalea, as well as evergreen azaleas. These are favorites among deer and often sustain heavy damage, sometimes to the point of killing off the plants.
Rarely Damaged
Frequently Damaged
Severe Damage