The 5 Most Common Muscle Building Mistakes You Must Know
I once met a guy who told me that he had just began body building and going out to the gym on regular basis.
One day I went with him to help him out and you wouldn't believe what I saw.
He was doing everything wrong.
He did not wear the right clothes, he did bench lifts all wrong, and worst of all, he ate cereal in the morning just before his workout.
He's there eating his Lucky Charms and I'm thinking I've got to do something here.
Although his mistakes are not as common (Lucky Charms for crying out loud), here are BIG mistakes that are...
#1 - Over Training People, especially beginners, tend to think that in order to get big fast they have to do as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Over training can lead to serious muscle problems in the long run and can only make things worse.
When your body tells you it has had enough, listen.
#2 - Lack of fluids It is pretty obvious you need water but some people do not realize it.
They take water "after" they have finished a workout.
Instead, you have to take it between workouts.
Try to drink water and energy drinks.
Do just drink water.
#3 - Not Diversifying 3 different workouts a day is just not enough.
You have to build your body in different directions.
People tend to only work on their core and arms, that's it.
You also need to work your legs, even you have no use for stronger legs.
It will help you balance your body.
#4 -Starving your Self Women are not the only ones that refuse to eat in order to lose weight.
Men can do this do.
You need to realize that if you do not eat, your muscles will not grow.
You should eat all that food that is designed for body building but you should also eat regular food once in a while.
Even fast food, but don't overdo it.
#5 - Lack of Rest If you do not get enough sleep, your muscles will not grow to their biggest potential.
You must sleep at least 8 hours a day in order to receive full treatment.
Believe it or not, your muscles actually grow when you sleep.
So make sleep a big priority.
It is your secret weapon.
Obviously the biggest tip here is to not eat Lucky Charms for breakfast, especially right before a workout.
After I taught my friend the mistakes he was making, he began to make better progress for the effort he put in.
Today he is a body building genius and I am sure you can do the same.
One day I went with him to help him out and you wouldn't believe what I saw.
He was doing everything wrong.
He did not wear the right clothes, he did bench lifts all wrong, and worst of all, he ate cereal in the morning just before his workout.
He's there eating his Lucky Charms and I'm thinking I've got to do something here.
Although his mistakes are not as common (Lucky Charms for crying out loud), here are BIG mistakes that are...
#1 - Over Training People, especially beginners, tend to think that in order to get big fast they have to do as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Over training can lead to serious muscle problems in the long run and can only make things worse.
When your body tells you it has had enough, listen.
#2 - Lack of fluids It is pretty obvious you need water but some people do not realize it.
They take water "after" they have finished a workout.
Instead, you have to take it between workouts.
Try to drink water and energy drinks.
Do just drink water.
#3 - Not Diversifying 3 different workouts a day is just not enough.
You have to build your body in different directions.
People tend to only work on their core and arms, that's it.
You also need to work your legs, even you have no use for stronger legs.
It will help you balance your body.
#4 -Starving your Self Women are not the only ones that refuse to eat in order to lose weight.
Men can do this do.
You need to realize that if you do not eat, your muscles will not grow.
You should eat all that food that is designed for body building but you should also eat regular food once in a while.
Even fast food, but don't overdo it.
#5 - Lack of Rest If you do not get enough sleep, your muscles will not grow to their biggest potential.
You must sleep at least 8 hours a day in order to receive full treatment.
Believe it or not, your muscles actually grow when you sleep.
So make sleep a big priority.
It is your secret weapon.
Obviously the biggest tip here is to not eat Lucky Charms for breakfast, especially right before a workout.
After I taught my friend the mistakes he was making, he began to make better progress for the effort he put in.
Today he is a body building genius and I am sure you can do the same.