Understanding Virtual Assistant Rates
Many virtual assistance companies charge variable rates.
A few charge a "flat rate" for all services.
When looking at the "rates" on various VA websites, you come across various phrases like: Basic, Premium, Executive Assistant and other rates.
This means the rate charged by company varies; depending on what type of task the assistant is working on.
What are the Pros? With a variable rate plan, the billing rate will change depending on the skill level required of the virtual assistant who will complete the task.
In essence, you pay less for simple tasks, and more for complex ones.
What are the Cons? Essentially, the only drawback should be that a variable rate plan is more complex to keep track of than a flat fee plan.
What to watch out for? Be aware of companies who attract customers by offering very low rates for basic virtual assistance, then charge twice as much or more for premium services.
This is the same principal retail stores use when offering a sale on select items, assuming that once you are in the door, you will buy other items at a higher mark up.
When will I be charged which rate? That question can only be answered by the VA company you choose to work with, but in a broad sense it works like this: Lets pretend you need a virtual assistant to post an ad on Craigslist.
posting the ad will be charged at a basic rate, while writing the ad will be charged at a premium rate because it is considered to be "creative writing.
" In general, expect anything other than the most basic of tasks to be charged at a higher rate.
How is variable billing charged? In most cases you will be billed twice: A flat fee at the beginning of the month for basic service, and again at the end of the month for the premium services that you use.
Make sure you understand what the premium rates are, and when you will be billed at the premium rate, or you may end up with a much larger bill than you expected.
If you are a small business owner hiring a virtual assistant to help control costs, a variable rate plan may be the opposite of what you want.
How do I know I am being charged the right rate? Every company will have a different method of keeping you up to date.
Whatever the method, it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure you are being billed at the proper rate.
If you decide to go with a company that uses variable rates, It may be a wise practice to ask what rate you will be charged at for each task that you submit to your virtual assistant.
Is there an alternative to variable rate plans? Yes, there are remote assistance companies with simple "flat rate" plans covering all services that are offered by that company - LongerDays.
com is one of those companies.
A few charge a "flat rate" for all services.
When looking at the "rates" on various VA websites, you come across various phrases like: Basic, Premium, Executive Assistant and other rates.
This means the rate charged by company varies; depending on what type of task the assistant is working on.
What are the Pros? With a variable rate plan, the billing rate will change depending on the skill level required of the virtual assistant who will complete the task.
In essence, you pay less for simple tasks, and more for complex ones.
What are the Cons? Essentially, the only drawback should be that a variable rate plan is more complex to keep track of than a flat fee plan.
What to watch out for? Be aware of companies who attract customers by offering very low rates for basic virtual assistance, then charge twice as much or more for premium services.
This is the same principal retail stores use when offering a sale on select items, assuming that once you are in the door, you will buy other items at a higher mark up.
When will I be charged which rate? That question can only be answered by the VA company you choose to work with, but in a broad sense it works like this: Lets pretend you need a virtual assistant to post an ad on Craigslist.
posting the ad will be charged at a basic rate, while writing the ad will be charged at a premium rate because it is considered to be "creative writing.
" In general, expect anything other than the most basic of tasks to be charged at a higher rate.
How is variable billing charged? In most cases you will be billed twice: A flat fee at the beginning of the month for basic service, and again at the end of the month for the premium services that you use.
Make sure you understand what the premium rates are, and when you will be billed at the premium rate, or you may end up with a much larger bill than you expected.
If you are a small business owner hiring a virtual assistant to help control costs, a variable rate plan may be the opposite of what you want.
How do I know I am being charged the right rate? Every company will have a different method of keeping you up to date.
Whatever the method, it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure you are being billed at the proper rate.
If you decide to go with a company that uses variable rates, It may be a wise practice to ask what rate you will be charged at for each task that you submit to your virtual assistant.
Is there an alternative to variable rate plans? Yes, there are remote assistance companies with simple "flat rate" plans covering all services that are offered by that company - LongerDays.
com is one of those companies.