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Blogging : Business & Finance
How to Create Easy Link Bait For Your Blog
Sooner or later in the blogging world you are going to learn about a term called link bait. Link bait is any content that you produce for your website that is intended to attract a higher number of natural links to the website.
How to Use a Business Blog For Informational Marketing
Many business owners have heard that a business blog is an excellent online marketing tool, but they are unsure about how to develop content. A business blog is different from a personal blog, and the content must align with business development goals.
Video Blogging - Say it and Show 'Em
Video blogging is sometimes called "vlogging" and has seen a huge increase in popularity since 2006. Blogging is a way of writing or providing written content for others to sign on and stay informed.
Income From Blogging - Creating New Revenue Streams
Lots of people have opened up revenue streams with their blogs. It isn't as complex as building a website so you won't need to spend months just on the building of your blog site. Do yourself a favor and get your own dot com address.
How to Blog For Your Business and Why!
A web log or a "blog" for short is like your online journal. It can be between you and the screen or you and millions of readers. However, blogs aren't just for personal use they can be important and powerful tools when it comes to marketing your home based business online. If you don
Some Basic Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers
I still remember the days when I was newbie in blogging. Search Engine Optimization, SEO for short was a puzzling word for me and it's now one year passed in my blogging career and still I am struggling to learn the full myths of SEO. Well, I just can one thing that SEO is an endless sea that n
A Hype-Free Blogging Syndicate Review
Blogging Syndicate is a new blogging course that teaches you through video and PDFs how to build traffic to your website. There can be no question that many products fail to deliver on what they promise. This is not one of them. The course is well structures to teach you how to build out your blog a
Blogging With the Essential Keyword Phrases
Keyword phrases are essential in the use of any blogs to attract the readers and give your post high rank in the search engine. There are very simple steps to implement to make each post effective at raking in readers.
Blogging to Build Credibility, Connect With Prospects, and Grow Your Online Business
Are you posting to your blog on a regular basis? Read on to find out more about building your business through your blog posts.
Understanding What Is a Blog?
Now if someone had asked me what a blog was a year ago my answer would not only lack the experience and knowledge that I have grasped over the last year but it would also portray a very different answer. One year ago my answer would have been something like this. That a blog is a web page or collect
How to Play Music on TypePad
TypePad is a blogging platform that allows users to create their own blogs without the need to set up any software or web hosting account. Bloggers on TypePad have access to the TypePad Compose toolbar, which offers a simple, visual interface in which content is created and published to the Internet
What is a Blogroll? Blogroll Explained
A Blog Roll is a list of links that the web owner likes. These links point to other blogs. The blogroll is usually included in the blogs sidebar as a widget, which is the standard way to do it. It is possible to split your blogroll up into categories if you so desire. One could have their list of bl
WordPress Security - What Everyone Should Know About Securing a Blog
Securing WordPress is very important these days, as more and more people are starting to use it. Most people do not know how to secure their blog. This article covers some very simple techniques that will make your web blog more secure.
Writing Your Podcasts
It's easy to decide to create a podcast. It's even easy to record them. But writing them can be a problem. In this article you'll find six hints to make writing your podcasts easier.
Wordpress Automatic Blog Plugin That Creates Unique Content
With the vast amounts of content available on the internet, you knew at some point with technology it could all be reused. Wordpress automatic blog plugin tools now make it possible to create unique c
Easily Make Money Online With a Blog
The blog incentive has been hyped and conceptualized across the world. In fact, if you are not blogging, you are kind of behind with trends. The blog is a money making machine. There are strategies you can use to earn money using a blog since millions of people have taken up to reading blogs. This h
Blogging Tips - 3 Time-Proven Tips For Bankrolling Big Profits From Your Blog
One of the reasons that blogging plays a key role in Web 2.0 is because it is an embodiment of everything good about user-generated content. More recently, it has also become an extremely popular vehicle for just about everybody from Internet marketers to the literati. If you want to use your blog f
How Blog Writing Can Increase Your Web Traffic
Many people these days don't understand the power of blog writing. Websites that write blogs and keep them consistently updated can bring in twice or as much as triple the amount of traffic to their site than if they had added content to their website and then let it sit stagnant for a year. Bl
Blogs and Teens, Modern Day Diaries
One of the factors why information sites have gone through a type of explosion in the adolescent community and are growing excessively is the fact that they provide a distinctive combination of visibility as well as anonymity. A teenager can ask friends to look over his/her blog site along with a si
Why You Should Optimise Your Wordpress Blog Before Posting
So you've bought a domain name, found a hosting company with CPanel and installed Wordpress on your new domain! In theory you're ready to make your first post! But before you do, read on! Before you post, you need to configure your Wordpress blog and optimise it for the search engines, doi