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Investing & Financial Markets : Business & Finance

Future Market - "Think Big and Make Big Profit"

Future market is a central financial exchange where people can trade standardized future contracts that is, a contract to buy specific quantities of a commodity or financial instrument at a specified price with delivery set at a specified time in the future. Futures contracts on commodities and fina

Feedback Loops: Why You Will Never Be a Great Investor

When you invest in shares or property it takes a long time to find out whether the decisions you made were good ones. Also, the randomness of the markets means that you can make bad investments that still turn out well and good investments can go wrong. That makes learning the right lessons more dif

Investment Consultants - How To Build A Strong Mailing List

If you plan to grow your business or extend your network of contacts as an investment consultant, you should be building a mailing list of your leads. There are many ways for investment consultants to gather leads or subscribers and this article looks at several of the best techniques to build a tar

Overseas Property Investment is the Ideal One!

For investing in an overseas property, Spain is always a tempting choice. Real estate prices are currently depressed, especially relative to sterling. The climate is desirable, the balmy waters of the Mediterranean provide luxurious beaches,many properties have letting potential and for many people

What Is Money? All About Energy, Taxes, Inflation and Currencies

This article discusses the fundamental use of money as an exchange of energy. It also discusses the various built in frictions to money, including taxes, inflation, and currency exchange rates. A must read for both students and investors.

What Does REO Stand For? - A Chance to Make Money!

When talking about real estate investing, we hear all kinds of terms. One in particular is REO. What does REO stand for? It stands for Real Estate Owned. Basically an REO is real estate owned by the bank.

The Antifragile Concept and Physical Precious Metals

The concept of antifragility comes from Naseem Taleb's book Antifragile. In it, he describes things and processes that thrive on mistakes and volatility. Basically, an antifragile system is one where error and/or risk is allowed, encouraged and leads to improvement overall.

5 Strategies To Build an Investment Portfolio For Financial Success

Want to build an investment portfolio that is recession proof? Here are 5 strategies that every investor needs to know in order to build a portfolio that will weather any storm. Keep these handy when reviewing your investments. Avoid losing any more money in the market and sleep better at night know

How to Build a Motivated Buyers List

Ah, here is where the fun of the business can really be...that is if you are a social person like myself. If not, then you will most likely focus on the methods of building a buyers list that do not require a lot of social interaction. For the rest of us this is where you will be networking with a l

Fast Cycle Investments - Resell Flowering Plants

If you are looking for an investment that you can turn a quick profit on, you might want to consider buying and reselling flowering plants for a fast cycle investment. Let the grower raise the plant and then purchase them from him when they are ready to sell. You only have to invest a few short week

Is Your 401k Plan Compliant?

a 401k Plan being in compliance is the business owners responsibility. He takes on a fiduciary duty in this regard, so is personally liable for any infractions or misdoings.

3 Property Investment Strategies That Will Boost Your Bank Account

There are many real estate investment strategies you can use to profit from investing in real estate. Just a quick search of the internet will reveal all of the different ways that you can profit. However, this can be overwhelming to a new or aspiring real estate investor. If you have made the decis

Investing in Crude Oil Futures - Have I Missed the Boat?

Nowadays, the ability to profit from energy futures and options is a valuable one. Even amidst the so-called Great Recession, majority of the world's countries utilize crude oil and its by-products and, hence, profits in crude oil futures speculation will never dry up, so to speak.

Lack Of Disciplined Investing Causes Most Losses

Not doing as well as you'd like with your investments? It's not the economy, bad luck, lack of knowledge or failing companies that are likely the major reason. Find out how to cure the problem by investing with confidence gained from absolute knowledge. It's about rules you may know b

How to Find the Best Stocks Program For Dominating the Day Trade Market

The day trade market moves faster than anything else you'll experience and if you make one wrong move you'll lose the clothes right off of your body. This is why many traders who cannot stand to stake the risk associated with it but still want to make good money from the day trade market i

Forex Maestro Review

The concept of being able to sit back again and make cash without doing any do the job at all is what we're all in search of. The Forex Maestro can make that achievable with ...