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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Types, Symptoms and Treatment of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, like other types of cancers, should be diagnosed and treated during the early stages. Understanding the types and symptoms will enable individuals to get to their doctor faster so that treatment can begin.

Prostate Cancer Survival Increases With Radiation

New research indicates that radiation therapy in addition to regular hormone treatment increases survival for prostate cancer patients. Current prostate cancer patients need to take note of this information, since approximately twenty percent of men diagnosed with prostate cancer have the same condi

Prevention VS Cure: Skin Cancer

Of the cancers diagnosed worldwide, one in three is skin cancer. In the United States, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, and in Australia, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with cancer of the skin by the age of 70. It is the most common cancer for people aged

Breast Cancer For Beginners

Due to our society's on-going socio-economic changes, there has been brought forth, an increased number of working women, and hence, delayed childbearing, and there has been a steep rise in the number of breast cancer patients in the last few decades. But as the incidence of the patients has ri

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

Staying out in the sun, they say, is bad for you. While it may sound like an old wives' tale, a possibly deadly skin cancer called squamous cell skin cancer is a very real result of staying out too long in the sun. And when we say "too long," we mean prolonged exposure to UV rays. A d

Should GPs Refer More Patients for Cancer Tests?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence released symptom-based referral guidelines with a predictive value of < 3%. David Kerr questions the impact that it will have on cancer survival.

Salvestrols Cure Cancer Part 2

The first part of Salvestrol Cures Cancer described recoveries from cancer by people with lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Here are given examples of the breadth and scope of salvestrol therapy ...

Signs of Breast Cancer - Knowing Them Before It's Too Late

One of the main reasons why most breast cancer patients are not surviving this treatment is because they do not know that they have this disease in the first place. Because of this, they were not able to undergo treatments in order to stop the growth of cancer early on. With this the following are t

Radiosurgery - Brain Surgery Without the Knife

Each year cancer research programs continue to grow: funding increases, new technologies make year-old discoveries obsolete, and more doctors and scientists contribute their ideas and methods to understanding and eradicating cancer. As these strides are made, more treatment options become available

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer has no lump or mass that can be felt. It is a very rare and dangerous type of breast cancer. It cannot be detected by self breast examination and mammogram. In inflammatory breast cancer there is infiltration of the skin and lymph vessels of the breast by cancer cells. The

New Lymphoma Treatment Promising

Nearly nine in 10 people with lymphoma given a relatively new type of treatment that combines cancer-killing antibodies and radiation are still alive eight years after being treated, researchers report.

Men's Breasts Are At Risk Too

Cancer is a disease caused by an abnormal growth of cells. If the growth is greatly uncontrollable, damages in the health system occur and can even lead to death, if not attended immediately and properly. The process of developing cancer cells can happen in the different parts of the body- men'

Lung Cancer Symptoms - What Are the Signs to Call Your Doctor?

The sooner a disease is diagnosed the sooner it can be treated. For this reason, it is important for you to be familiar with the common lung cancer symptoms. It has been estimated that they occur in about three quarters of all patients. Some of the signs are caused directly by the development of the

Holistic Cure for Bladder Pain

Painful bladder syndrome, or interstitial cystitis, is a condition in which sufferers have bladder pain, uncomfortable bladder pressure, and pain in the pelvis. Symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate, frequent urination, pain during urination, and pain in the pelvis.