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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Pituitary Tumors Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-Treatment Options for Pitui
A link to a list of current clinical trials is included for each treatment section. For some types or stages of cancer, there may not be any trials listed. Check with your doctor for clinical trials that are not listed here but may be right for you.Non-functioning Pituitary TumorsTreatment may ...
What Causes Cancer of the Esophagus?
Esophageal cancer often does not cause any symptoms until the disease is advanced and your prognosis of survival is poor. The causes of esophageal cancer include lifestyle factors, dietary habits and chronic medical conditions that affect the inner areas of the esophagus. Consider a number of impo
Breast Cancer and Hormone Therapy
WebMD helps you understand the role of hormone therapy in breast cancer treatment.
Is Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Clinic-Ready?
Drs. Jack West and Suresh Ramalingam discuss the relative efficacies of PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer and how they might be best used in treatment strategies.
How Dr Nigel Sacks Became An Angel To The Sufferers Of Cancer
There are few mortals who devote their lives to a holy cause of the society. One of those few entities is Dr Nigel Sacks whose contributions to the alleviation of the sufferings of cancer patients hav
Breast Cancer Stages
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of breast cancer staging including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Cost, Availability Hinder Breast Cancer Therapy in China
Dr. Tony Mok discusses with Drs. Sandra Swain and Zefei Jiang the disparities in breast cancer treatment in China.
Stress and Cancer - The Link Between Chronic Stress and the Cancer Epidemic
I have long believed that chronic stress should be considered a pre-disease state, but we are beginning to learn more about how this happens. One good example is a recent study which looked at stress and cancer.
Natural Help for Lymphoma
Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for producing and storing white blood cells and plays a major role in detoxification and moving waste through the body. Lymphomas include Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Cutaneous T-cell. You can enhance your standard therapy
Endoscopic Treatment of Early-Stage Lung Cancer
Review several endoscopic interventions that may prove to be effective alternatives to surgical resection.
Colon Cancer and Chemotherapy
Cancer is uncontrolled cell division causing problems to the body. Colon cancer is the cancer involving the large intestine. The treatment caries according to the stages.
How To Raise Money Online To Pay Medical Bills
Asking for financial help is not always easy. Having a fundraising website makes raising money online effortless.
Effective Remedy For Cancer and Other Diseases
This article educates about the effectiveness of the new found prevention and cure technique for cancer and many other diseases which also have been named. It also educates on how any average person can be thought how to administer some of the techniques that are used for this particular therapy.
Specialized Cells in the Lungs
Your lungs are made up of alveoli which contain three types of cells.chinese woman holding an x-ray image by Allen Penton from Fotolia.comOur lungs breathe in air which contains oxygen. The air travels from the bronchial tube to the alveoli in our lungs. Alveoli contain three different...
Reflux and Esophageal Cancer
This article discusses how a prolonged reflux and acidity could be a forerunner for esophageal cancer. Also, a few natural remedies that offer a cure for the disease are discussed.
Prostate Cancer Screening Through a PSA Test
Prostate cancer screening is of great importance in the earlier detection of the condition and of course the prompt treatment that can be done by the medical experts. With earlier diagnosis, you will be somehow assured that there is still a chance to prevent any complications that occur in later sta
Is Surgery Still the Best Option for Early Stage NSCLC?
With the increasing number of management options for early stage lung cancer, the role of surgery in this disease subset has been questioned.
Advances in Cancer Research
The best thing that has happened to the medical field has come from everyday people who care about the cause and want to fight for a cure for cancer.
What Is Paget's Disease of the Nipple?
Affecting between 1% - 4% of all women who are diagnosed with breast cancer; Paget's disease is a rare nipple disorder that has also been known to affect men (in extreme cases). However, Paget's disease often gets diagnosed as a less serious complaint due to its similarities with other ski