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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Acupuncture, Exercise May Ease Pain for Breast Cancer Patients
Treatment-related discomfort, swelling helped by the approaches, studies find
CCSVI Treatment
CCSVI is chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in which the flow of the blood in the veins draining the central nervous system,
Green Tea and Prostate Cancer - What's in Green Tea That Reduces the Risk of Prostate Cancer?
What if I told you that it's in your best interest to have a cup of green tea? What if I mention green tea and prostate cancer in the same sentence?Here's a more descriptive question that should be asked.
Cancer and Mangosteen: Is Fruit the Key to Successful Treatment?
Many people are wondering if there is a link between cancer and mangosteen.The question is, "Can mangosteen be used to treat cancer?"
Process of Dealing With Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer, which is the second leading cause of death in men, often brings scare even to the toughest men around. Patients usually go through a certain process to deal with prostate cancer.
Communication in Cancer Care (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]-Questions or Commen
If you have questions or comments about this summary, please send them to through the Web site's Contact Form. We can respond only to email messages written in English.
The Dangers Posed By Prostatic Cancer
Prostatic cancer poses a very real problem for men today and many thousands of American men will die needlessly this year because of this highly treatable disease.
- Harnessing The Power of The Immune System to Help Fight Cancer
Have you ever heard of the immune system, what is it and what is does? Did your doctor talk to you about it? Our immune system is the bodies self repair or healing system that ...
Can You Reverse Sun Damage?
Can sun damage to skin be reversed? Experts shed light on the subject.
Small Intestine Cancer Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI]-Cellular
Tumors that occur in the small intestine include the following:Adenocarcinoma (majority of cases).Lymphoma (uncommon), which is usually of the non-Hodgkin type. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment for more information.)Sarcoma (most commonly leiomyosarcoma and more ...
Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Effectiveness
What's the right age for introducing the HPV vaccine -- to maximize the protective effect?
Ovarian Cancer - The Importance of Early Detection
It is important for women to educate themselves about ovarian cancer and the risk factors for this disease. In the past, the belief was that this condition would strike without symptoms. But now the medical community is aware of the early warning signs. Women can protect themselves and dramatically
New search shows PET imagery effectual in predicting lung someone outcomes
CLEVELAND - Late imaging with Antilepton Egression Tomography (PET) scans shows outstanding prospect in predicting which patients with unserviceable lung individual make solon battleful tumors and beggary further treatment succeeding standard chemotherapy/radiation therapy, according to ...
Biomarkers Characterization of CTCs in Breast Cancer
Are CTC biomarker profiles useful as a surrogate marker for therapy selection and monitoring in breast cancer patients?
Breast Cancer News and Features Page
Find Special Feature Stories and News on Breast Cancer Health at WebMD
Ovarian Cyst Management 101
Are you concerned because you have an ovarian cyst? Are you wondering "what now"? Do not worry if your doctor found you to have an ovarian cyst, for this condition is quite common among women of reproductive health. In fact, ovarian cyst management is quite easy: most of the time, you just
Confusion Over Diet and Cancer Prevention
More consumers are looking for information about ways to stay healthy and stave off disease. And each day, new information is released about nutrition and its role in preventing cancer.
Vibrational Healing For Cancer
This article is about different types of healing possibilities for cancer. Although there are medical ways of beating cancer, there are also natural forms. This mentions various healing modalities.
Cancerous Tumor Treatments
Tumor is defined as a lesion or an inflammation caused due to the uncontrolled growth of cells present inside the body of an individual. The tumor can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) in nature. Malignant tumors are those tumors in which the cells undergoing uncontrolled pro
What Radical Mesothelioma Treatments Are Available?
Mesothelioma research news indicates that traditional treatments viz. single or multi-drug chemotherapy has a response rate of about 20%. Radiation treatments, usually used in conjunction with surgery or chemotherapy treatments can relieve pain and shrink tumors, making breathing easier