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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

What Are the Treatments for Adenocarcinoma Stomach Cancer?

There are several types of stomach cancer (gastric cancer), with adenocarcinoma accounting for approximately 90 to 95 percent of all gastric cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. Adenocarcinoma develops in the cells which line your stomach. Treatment options vary depending on your overa

Is Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Clinic-Ready?

Drs. Jack West and Suresh Ramalingam discuss the relative efficacies of PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer and how they might be best used in treatment strategies.

Defeat Prostate Cancer - The Kinds of People to Avoid If You Want to

Who says because your father died from prostate cancer then you too must die from it? Who says because your uncle, your colleague, your boss and other people died from the condition then you too must die from it? This article explains why you must keep your live and your mind positive to be able to

Ideal Method to Avoid Cancer

1. If an individual has cancer this signifies the individual has dietary inadequacies. These might be owing to hereditary, but furthermore to ecological, food as well as lifestyle aspects. 2. In order to conquer the ...

The Question Still Remains: Is There a Cure for Cancer?

There are well over 100 different types and varieties of cancers that are known today, and some may not have been found yet as well. A cancer in general is an abnormal class of disease in which cellular growth gets out of control.

Some Basic Facts About Cancer

Some health diagnoses hit as much fear as the words, "You have cancer." But nowadays, like at no other time, cancer can be suppressed or kept under control in a lot of cases.

Skin Cancer May Be Fought With Green Tea

Skin cancer is one of the deadliest type of cancer. It can take up to 15 years to develop but you can do something before that happens to prevent it. Drink green tea.

Foods That Stop Cancer That Your Doctor Doesn' t Know About

These days we spend billions of dollars in treating cancer yet we spend little promoting the consumption of freshly grown fruit and vegetables, foods that our medical system should know are beneficial in both preventing and curing cancer. By improving nutrition the body has a natural ability to heal

How to Cope with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Getting a breast cancer diagnosis can be frightening, overwhelming and exhausting. Just hearing the word "cancer" is enough to evoke feelings of panic and despair. The apprehension is so great, in fact, that many women even avoid scheduling mammograms because they are afraid of positive results.

Reverse Your Cancer By Rebuilding Your Immune System With Natural Treatments.

Our immune system is our built-in defence system in which we cannot survive without and plays a very important part why there is so much cancer nowadays. It also plays central role in a permanent cure for cancer and the only way you can achieve that is with natural treatments. Learn here why your im

Melanoma - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer and develops from the cells producing the skin pigment called melanin. Melanoma usually manifests as a change in an existing mole or as a new, unusual looking growth on the skin. Excessive exposure to sunlight or to ultraviolet radiation; a history of

Cancer Pain-References

CitationsFoley KM (2000). Controlling cancer pain. Hospital Practice (Office Edition), 35(4): 101–112.Foley KM (2005). Management of cancer pain. In VT DeVita Jr et al., eds., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 7th ed., pp. 2615–2649. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.Other Wor

Holistic Treatment of Carcinoid Cancer

Carcinoid cancer is a slow growing cancer that causes tumors in the stomach, appendix small intestine and lungs. It's also possible for tumors to grow in the reproductive organs, such as the testes or the ovaries, according to the Mayo Clinic. During the early stages of this condition, there aren't