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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Breast Cancer and Diet

When talking about breast cancer treatment, it is important to include diet, nutrition and herbal supplements and other therapies that can reduce the adverse effects associated with various cancer treatments and to maximize the body's healing capacity.Eastern medicine provides a great deal of a

Small Bowel Narrowing Symptoms

The small intestines can become blocked and grow narrow due to several different causes such as tumors, hernias and adhesions. Intestinal obstruction (or small bowel narrowing) can lead to serious complications, like the inability to have a bowel movement. Therefore, knowing all of the potential sym

MRI Detects Early Breast Cancer Cells

MRI screening has been considered less sensitive than mammography for detecting precancerous cells in the breast which are confined to the milk ducts, but a new study suggests the opposite is true.

Cancer Diagnosis

We all know at least one person who has suffered from cancer; and before all is said and done, at some point in our lives, we too may find that we will be diagnosed with cancer. In terms of what causes cancer, that is anyone's guess.

Alcohol and Cancer

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of our time and studies show that there is a definite link between alcohol and cancer. Alcohol increases the risk of some forms of cancer such as colon, breast cancer and rectal cancer to name a few.

What is the Cancer-Immunity Cycle?

Cancer cells accumulate changes. Some of these are changes that the immune system can pounce on. But a series of steps needs to happen first. More here.

The Medical Malpractice of Breast Cancer

Medical malpractice in general happens when your doctor fails to follow suitable and accepted methods for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer symptoms. The resultant holdup in treatment could result in the unnecessary progression of cancer that was otherwise avoidable or minimally treatable

Diet, Fitness Coaches Help Cancer Survivors

Coaching and coaxing elderly cancer survivors about their need to exercise and eat healthy foods can significantly reduce their rate of physical decline, a new study indicates.

Medical Science Learns More About Lymphomas

Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphomas are closely related -- a finding that may help guide further research into the management of Hodgkin's disease, report a team of German, Swiss, and U.S. researchers in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Protect Against Cancer With This Drink

If you're a wine lover then you've yet another reason to savor a glass with your dinner. A daily glass of wine might protect against cancer by lowering your risk of developing Barrett's esophagus, a destructive health problem that often comes before esophageal cancer according to a la

Vegetarians Have Reduced Cancer Risks

There are numerous scientific studies pointing to the connection between diet and cancer. Science has shown the link between eating meat and/or dairy and the increased risk of developing several types of cancer.

The Balancing Act - Getting to the New Normal

For the past 23 years, since my cancer diagnosis in the Fall of 1990, I've been working on this 'New Normal' balancing act. It has many faces and as life happens, the faces keep changing. There is the constant ebb and flow of new experiences, new situations, new health challenges, new

Role of an Oncologist

Oncology is an important profession which medically takes care and treats patients suffering from cancer. Patients approaching oncologists suffer from cancer which might have occurred on different parts of their body which may include lungs, ...