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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Prognosis

Multiple myeloma is a form of cancer affecting antibody-producing plasma cells in the bone marrow. The prognosis for smoldering, or asymptomatic, forms of this disease varies according to a number of factors.

Types of Appendix Tumors

Appendix cancer occurs when cells in the appendix become anomalous and grow without control. These cells form an escalation of tissues called tumor. A lump can be benign (noncancerous) or malevolent (cancerous, meaning it can ...

How to Cope When Breast Cancer Returns

WebMD reports on how the many breast cancer survivors get on with the business of living -- and the lessons to be learned from first-wife hopeful Elizabeth Edwards' very public battle with her own recurrence.

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Stage 4 breast cancer is an invasive type of cancer. It means that the cancer cells have already spread to other organs of the body which includes the brain, lungs and liver. When a diagnosed patient is already at this phase of the disease, it is called metastasis.

Find Between Good and Bad Cancer Cells

There are group of more than 100 distinct diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer affects one in every three persons born in developed countries and is a major ...

Is there a cure for Cancer and why can't they find it

Cancer has become a major problem in the industrialized world and for many years we've been told they are on the verge of making a major breakthrough in finding a cure. Science has spent billions ...

Part 1 - 7 Ways to Improve Prostate Health in 90 Days

In this article a qualified nutritionist shares with you 7 ways to improve your prostate health before you have a prostate problem! You will also find signs to look for to help you identify a problem! Awareness and early action can save you from ever having to experience unnecessary discomfort, stre

Ovarian Cancer and Oral Contraceptives

Ovarian cancer is an especially deadly form of cancer because it often goes undetected until it spreads to a vital organ and disrupts the organ's functioning. Thus, it earned the name "silent killer." While an estimated 13,580 women have passed away in 2010 due to cervical cancer, thi

Knowing the Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is an accelerated type of breast cancer that is typically not identified by mammogram or ultrasound. It leads to the breast to seem swollen and inflamed. The inflammation takes place since the cancer cells blockade the lymphatic vessels in the skin of the breast. This lead

What is Duodenal Ulcer and How to Diagnose?

The condition referred to as Duodenal Ulcer is one that typically announces itself as a sharp, severe pain in the upper part of the abdomen (the Epigastrium), appearing when a person is hungry and the stomach is empty. Essentially, duodenal ulcers are caused by too much acid in the stomach; when the

How Effective Is Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer?

After mastectomy, women are sent to see the oncologists. They are often told to go for chemotherapy. This treatment is like an "insurance" against future problems. The fear of recurrence is sufficient enough to make women go through chemotherapy. To them, the sufferings of the treatment ar

The Reasons Why Many People Do Not Survive Cancer

We are not winning the war against cancer despite what we are being told and more people now are not surviving the disease. The reasons being our medical system is only focused on removing the cancer growths instead of addressing the root cause of the problem which is why these growths first appeare

Genetic Risks of Breast Cancer

Many would think that most cancer is genetic.In a way, it is.It's all based on altered genes.Yet it still remains unresolved as to what cases these genetic alterations.

Breast Cancer Drug Fights Lung Cancer, Too

The anti-hormone drug tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast cancer, may also reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer, a study of over 6,000 women suggests.