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Criminal Law & procedure : Law & Legal & Attorney

Stop and Frisk: Review of the Terry Stop

The Stop-and-Frisk is a means by which an officer can stop an individual and 'frisk' the individual. The stop is based on the officer having 'Reasonable Suspension' of some kind of criminal activity being committed, ...

The Criminal Defense Lawyer Association

Each state has its own criminal defense lawyer association. This organization sees to it that anyone who is accused of a crime is given fair representation in a court of law. They also do their ...

Public and Criminal Records Search

Do you really know your next door neighbour as a person? Do you know the person who fixes your water heater when it has problems and the bus driver who drives your children to school well?

Theories of Negligence

In the modern law of tort, the word 'negligence' has two meanings. First, it indicates the state of mind of a party in doing an act and secondly, it means a conduct which the law ...

How to Dress for a Court Hearing

So you're busted. You've been through the arrest, the booking and the bail. Now it is time to go to court. Whether you plan to plead guilty or take the case to trial, it is a good idea to present a nice appearance. Runway fashions or expensive duds aren't required. Even casual wear can be acceptable

A Notice of Intended Prosecution - What Should I Do?

What is a Notice Of Intended Prosecution? If I receive one what should I do and is there any way that I can fight this? Let's get down to the nitty gritty first and discuss what a notice of intended prosecution (NIP) is.

Minnesota Criminal lawyers: The real saviors

Ever been caught in a crime in the state of Minnesota? If you have been then you must have heard of the very efficient Minnesota criminal lawyers, even hired one for yourself. Minnesota is the ...

Bail Bonds - Taking it a Step Further

Everyone is familiar with the traditional bail bond. Your loved one goes to jail, you hire a bail bondsman, they get your loved one out of jail and that's the end of it. Sounds pretty routine, doesn't it?

Be Safe with an Auto Accident Attorney

The fact is that auto accidents are most frequently happening in today's world as individuals are paying less attention while driving the automobiles.

Criminal Lawyers Justice Guaranteed!

Criminal lawyers are of course one of the most momentous and salient people in the legal arena. They represent their clients with a high magnitude of interest and preparation.

DUI - Blood Alcohol Content and the Effect of Time

If you drive, you've probably heard at least a little about the infamous blood alcohol content standard. The magic number these days for using it to determine whether a person is driving drunk is.08. That ...

Criminal Records And Report Search

Do you want to feel unharmed? If you do, then you might as well want to check out for North Carolina Arrest Records []. This information is now open for everyone to access and use ...

What Is a Breathalyzer?

Even after just a couple of drinks, someone exhibits the signs of alcohol in their system. With driving, this can be swerving, ignoring traffic signs, and behaving erratically behind the wheel. If a law enforcement official notices this type of driving, he or she can pull the person over and ask the

Why Might You Need a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

There are many reasons that you may, at some point, need an attorney. There are also many different crimes that you could be accused of which would require you to look for a federal criminal defense lawyer. Most of us hope to never be accused of these crimes, but if it happens, it is in our best int