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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

WebMD explains how sedation dentistry works, what it involves, and how you can sleep through your next dentist appointment.

Fun with the Best Dentist: Open Wide and Say Aaaah

The prospect of needing to go to a dentist is daunting and intimidating for many people. They are more than a little wary about letting someone peek inside their mouths and poke around. Thus, picking ...

Dentist Ann Arbor Gives You the Proper Dental Service

Teeth or oral health is such a case that needs proper treatment and maintenance. It is something which needs to be taken care since the childhood. In Ann Arbor, people are incredibly conscious about dental ...

Biological Dentistry: A Very Good Wager for Great Health

Natural dentists treat in much the same way as other types of alternative doctors. This kind of dentist can be called holistic, natural, alternative, biologic, homeopathic or naturopathic. Natural dentistry provides treatment that's biologically appropriate and non-toxic.

How To Get Whiter Teeth At Home

How can you get whiter teeth at home and get rid of those yellow teeth for good? Read our guide to teeth whitening to find out more.

Cosmetic Dental Veneers and How They Are Applied

Your cosmetic dental clinic will offer you a wide variety of cosmetic dental procedures including veneers. Veneers are great for fixing problems with the appearance of your teeth and can also provide a layer of protection for a tooth that has been damaged or cracked. Veneers have become popular over

Dental and Home Remedies For Tooth Whitening

If you can not stand the way your teeth look you have several options. It is time to say good bye to stained teeth with tooth whitening. The least expensive way is purchasing a kit from the drug store. You may decide to seek professional help by visiting your dentist. He can be a wealth of informati

Bulimia Nervosa | Bulimia Symptoms | Bulimia Treatment

The term bulimia means excessive or abnormal desire for food which is better described as ox-hunger. Bulimia Nervosa disorder has the character of repeating occurrence of binge eating which develops the person with lack of sense. For more about binge eating, binge eating disorder, compulsive exercis

Got Bad Breath? Here Are Five Possible Causes

It's the problem even your closest friends have trouble mentioning. Excuse me, but your's not too sweet! The problem might be starting in your mouth, or much further down. Here is how you can locate the cause.

Which Flossing Tool Is Right For You?

Flossing is one of the best things you can do to care for your beautiful smile and good health. By flossing along with brushing your teeth twice a day, you help to remove plaque build-up ...

What are Orthodontics and What do Orthodontists do?

Correctly aligning teeth and jaws is what the dental branch of orthodontics focuses on. Orthodontic is made up of two words, "ortho" meaning correct and "dont" meaning teeth. Hence the branch of dentistry called orthodontics ...

Gum Disease: Avoidable And Curable

Gum disease is a problem known by everyone. According to a latest survey, about 80% of adults in the US suffer from this ailment. Gum disease is also referred to as periodontal disease.

Throughout Support From The Family Dentist

Choose a kid-friendly atmosphere As a position any child see the dentist to be sitting in a chair surrounded by small needles, work outs and unusual equipment will make. This fact must certanly be considered ...

Finding the Right Dentist for Kids

Everybody loves a pleasing smile. However, you have to keep your teeth in perfect condition to get that innocent smile. Children are the worst affected with dental issues. Proper care has to be taken in ...