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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

Show a stunning smile with Zoom Whitening!

Penetrating inside the tooth surface, this light will stimulate the gel that contains hydrogen peroxide. This process is repeated at regular intervals of 15 minutes. Bleaching of the teeth starts occu

Three Techniques to Get Rid of Bruxism And TMJ

People who don't suffer from a condition called bruxism have no inkling as to the possible damage that it can bring, particularly to the teeth. Bruxism, if not treated, could result to cracked teeth because of the constant grinding and gnashing of the teeth during sleep. If you have this condit

Your Perfect White Teeth Can Stop Bullies

You must have hated the fact that the boy next door keeps on calling you "yellow" because of your yellow stained teeth. You abhor the rich and popular girls in town simply because you cannot ...

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Works

Teeth whitening toothpastes are effective and give positive results. The results may vary from person to person.

Are you sharing your brownies?

Imagine going to a party for which everyone was asked to bring a desert. You arrive and proudly place your dish on the serving table. Then you start by choosing a taste of several goodies ...

Go to the Right Dentist for Healthy Teeth

Dentists serve you ceaselessly in your food assimilation processes, yet get little or no attention at all. Whenever you need to ingest food, they are there, working away. They are hardly noticed, and yet without them it would be impossible to even chew food, let alone swallow.

Cosmetic Dentistry Failures

If you want to avoid ending up being a casualty of cosmetic dentistry than make sure you do a little homework before choosing a cosmetic dentist.Cosmetic dentistry is well removed from main stream dental work and requires a skill that isnt taught when training to be a family dentist.

Benefits Of Using The Services Of Miami Dentists

There are a lot of dentists in the world today and they have their own areas of expertise related with dentistry. They have established different kinds of dentistry clinics and treatment centers that many visit ...

How To Find A Good Cosmetic Dentist?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the beautification of the teeth. Honored with the title of Dr., a dentist takes care of one of the most important parts of human body, the mouth.

Signs of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can feel pain from one bite from a sweet treat.iced cakes with bite image by Warren Millar from Fotolia.comTooth sensitivity is known as "dentinal sensitivity." This happens when tooth enamel is worn, exposing the middle dentin layer of the tooth. Nerve branches lie within...

Dental Care At The Early Age

A healthy tooth is a clean tooth without any cavities. With the right and regular dental care then there will be no cavities in our teeth. Therefore, try to get the maximum maintenance to get the healthy teeth constantly.

Professional Teeth Whitening Services

Most of us do not realize but our teeth are our priced possession. Losing them causes a lot of pain but if you make sure that they are in good shape, your confidence gets a ...

Root Canal

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of root canal, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Dental surgeons working in Cupertino

There is a certain, charm of an attractive smile and we are well familiar with, this fact. Teeth are an imperative part of an attractive smile. If you have white teeth, then you yourself will ...