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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

Braces price tag - A vital bracing element to notice

Braces are an efficient program for correcting dental troubles these sort of as crooked teeth, under bites and overbites. The poor information is always that braces at the moment are supplied in an ex

A to Z of general dentists

Primary dental care is provided by general dentists. These dentists treat you and your entire family by supplying information and methods for overall dental care. These dentists provide dental treatme

An Introduction To Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace both the form and the function of missing teeth. In the case of existing teeth, the tooth root holds the tooth in place. When a tooth has been lost due to infection, gum disease, an accident, or injury, a dental implant can be used in order to replace the tooth ro

A Quick Teeth Whitening Products Comparison Guide

Searching for a teeth whitening products comparison online is very difficult to do. There are so many new products that are released on the market each day that it might leave people feeling overwhelm

Tooth Whitening Through Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth whitening is used to supply whiter brighter teeth to a man. Spots from drink, food and tobacco are the common motives to use whitening products. Other reasons for using tooth whitening systems are genetic ...

Going for Simi Valley Cosmetic Dentist

Every person may need to go to a cosmetic dentist at one point of life. It is best to look for the nearest one in Simi Valley and choose a family dentist who could guide you better.

Benefits of All-On-Four Dental Implants

Until now, the only option for toothless patients has been dentures which can be awkward and result in significant bone loss. Dentures are later replaced with the implant dentistry but it too requires multiple visits to the dentist. Now, all-on-4 dental implants have come as the ultimate advancement

The Dentist: Five Ways To Overcome Your Fears

Millions of Americans go to the dentist every day with not so much as a single apprehension. They get their teeth cleaned, they get cavities filled, and they get checkups without ever hesitating for a ...

Make 'Em Laugh With These Dental Jokes

Humor is a great ice-breaker. When you have new patients (especially young ones), that first visit to a dentist can be a bit nerve-wracking. Even people who have been to the dentist several times can get antsy. People tend to think of sitting in a dentist's chair as something like being trapped

People Wearing Ordinary Braces Have to Be Prepared

For getting teeth aligned properly, invisalign is quickly becoming the preferred way. In comparison to getting regular braces, this is a relatively new procedure that is more expensive. Even so, when compared to ordinary metal ...


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cavities including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

How Do Oral B Sonic Brush Heads Work?

Electric toothbrushes first surfaced in the late 19th century, and were designed to assist people with motor skill problems. With time, electric toothbrush technology advanced, and wireless toothbrushes finally became available in the eighties. Lately, as technology and people become aware of the be

Whitening Teeth - The Best Consumer Guide to Tooth Bleaching Tips

In the ever growing world of cosmetic dentistry whitening teeth treatments have become extremely popular. This article is a comprehensive guide to teeth whitening, with information on tooth bleaching, tooth enamel, intrinsic versus extrinsic tooth discoloration discoloration, and the myths surroundi