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Depression : Health & Medical

Depression and Diet

Depression is thought to be a biological disorder of the brain involving three neurotransmitters; norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin and the effect they have on the brain. While it is not known whether diet is the cause of depression what we do know is that certain foods can make the condition

Stages of Depression

But no, idiot that I was, I ignored the warning signs, the outriders of the storm, if you like. My wife realized that things weren't quite as they should be and questioned me about how the work was going. I was irritable and told her that things were as they'd always been. I pressed ahead,

Fighting Depression - Love Yourself, Love Life

When you overcome depression, you learn to love yourself and love life again. There are many ways to achieve this. There are options and choices to make about how to live your life more fully.

Scientific Help for Depressed and Suicidal People

According to recent researches in the unknown region of our psychic sphere, it was discovered that the human being is an evil wild monster, since the biggest part of this sphere is completely wild and violent. It means that the human being is not human as he imagines himself to be.

Beat Depression Without Drugs

Depression is a very dangerous mental illness but it's not tough to beat it. There are so many treatments and methods available around the world to beat this mental disorder. All you need to have is the self belief. If you have self belief in you then you can easily beat depression.

How To Get Help For Depression With Natural Methods

Do you know you can get help for depression even if it is mild and doesn't interfere with daily, normal functioning? It's true. If this describes your current experience with this disorder you may want to try some natural methods which are readily available, safe and easy to use. In many c


A definition for the term "insanity."

How To Handle Family Stress

While you might love your family completely, that doesn’t mean they can’t make you feel stressed much of the time.With such close family ties, you not only know about the other’s good qualities, but you are also going to see many of their not so good qualities on occasion.Since man

Foods That Fight Depression

Even if you are not in the risk group for major depressive disorder, you might have a depressive episode at least once in a lifetime. There's no rush to reach for antidepressant drugs right away, all you need is to revise your diet.

Should I Take Zoloft?

I've been hearing a lot about Zoloft and am wondering: Should I take it as my antidepressant? Are there any reasons I should not take it?

Online Help For Depression - 7 Signs That Should Alert You To Depression

Spotted the 7 signs of depression in yourself or someone else? There is plenty of online help for depression available these days. Some methods are not so effective whilst others are highly effective. It is important to spot the signs of depression early so that appropriate help can be sought.

Coping With Depression - Part 2

It's rarely a good idea to try and beat depression on your own, the proper support from a professional advisor plus benefiting from the camaraderie of others in the same situation as yourself will tip the balance in your favour and make things easier. One this is for sure, beating depression is

Is There a Link Between Depression and Provigil?

Depression and Provigil are two words you might hear together after recent depression studies. The studies showed that the medication can be used to treat depression where the patient has been previously treated nearly successfully with antidepressants and where the patient suffers from tiredness.

How to Beat That Depression

Anyone who has suffered from depression will know what a dark and debilitating condition it can be. Here are a few ways to get yourself out of the darkness and back into the light.

Adrenal Fatigue: Treating Adrenal Fatigue Through Small Lifestyle Changes

Nowadays, technology made the world a very hectic place to live in. Everything is already high speed and even people today need to be fast in order to keep up with technology. We may not realize it but we are really becoming a slave of our own technology. Because of this, a lot of people are going t

Manic Depression

Manic depression, or bipolar disorder, is a type of mood disorder that goes beyond the day's ordinary ups and downs. It is characterized by periodic episodes of extreme elation, elevated mood, or irritability countered by periodic classic depressive symptoms.