How a Butterfly Can Have a Drastic Affect on How You Play the Guitar!

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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Get MIDI to Work on My Grand Piano

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an electronic music interface that lets you trigger synthesized sounds. For example, when you hit the pad on a MIDI drum machine, it sends a message to the connected synthesizer to create a note of a certain length and volume. Typically, you need a MIDI

Jazz & Blues Festivals in South America

Enjoy jazz outdoors at festivals.trompettes image by indochine from Fotolia.comSouth America is a continent full of music-loving people, so it is no surprise that there are a number of jazz and blues festivals held throughout the year there. If you are traveling specifically for...

Classical Guitar Problem Solving 101

So, you have been working on a piece for quite some time but it's still not working properly, and now you feel frustrated, stuck with what seems like no way out. I'm here to tell ...

Introducing The Blue Comet Cafe

Everyone wishes they had seen Bruce Springsteen at The Main Point in Philadelphia or Elton John at the Troubadour in Los Angeles or Norah Jones at The Bitter End in New York City when they were just starting out. The fact is you have to be at the right place at the right time and if you live in a sm

Free Guitar Lessons - Learning How to Play the Guitar Like a Heavy Metal Band

If you are one of those aspiring guitarists and would like to learn more about how to play the guitar properly, you don't have to be a wizard right away. Let's say for instance that you want to learn more about how to play a lead guitar, one of the major things that you may want to look in

Why Major in Music in College?

This is a question to which every music major must developed a strong, satisfactory answer. What are your goals in pursuing a degree in music? Are they reasonable? Will they lead to a career in which you can support yourself and your family? Do you love music enough to make it this big of a part of

Knowledge about Midwest Hip Hop and Free Hip Hop

In this article we will know about Midwest Hip Hop and Free Hip Hop.The hip hop music performed by the artists living in the Midwestern United States is called Midwest Hip Hop.

How to Use a Drum Machine Live

Using a drum machine can bring a consistency to live shows that can sometimes be better than a real drummer. Some styles of music are complemented by the various electronic sounds a drum machine can provide, or by using some of the more advanced features, a drum machine can sound like a real drummer

Polynesian Music

Origin, description and musical instruments of Polynesian music.

Choosing Your First Tube Amplifier

For decades, it's been a general opinion that tube (or valve) amplifiers sound better than solid state amps. First of all - what is a tube amp? A tube amp is a type of guitar amplifier that operates on valves (or vacuum tubes) instead of transistors.

Schecter Guitars

Currently Schecter guitars are a high end quality instrument that are beautiful and slick with a high end price to match. Since Schecter is best known for their custom made guitars which...

Tips on Writing Your First Song

Music is a beautiful gift that we as Humans can understand on all levels and from all backgrounds. A song written in any language can be conveyed and understood even though the language is foreign to us. Songs define us as a people and can be used to break barriers between nations and cultures and u

Lady Gaga and Demi Lovato - Healing Our Children

Back in the 70's when I was growing up it was the norm to feel alone in a world that for whatever reason, could not or would not 'see' you. As mommy catered to daddy, and daddy complained, children like me slipped away into deep abyss's within--in an attempt to escape the engulfi

"The Guitar Man" That Was Actually a Piano Man

His biggest moment in the spotlight was as Bread's "Guitar Man," but Larry Knechtel was a Wrecking Crew sessionman most noted for his work on organ and piano -- not to mention bass and harmonica, in a remarkable career that spanned every genre of pop music known to man. Check out the

How to Make an Aeolian

The Aeolian mode is more commonly referred to as the minor scale. This mode usually has a somber, melancholy feel when used. This mode uses the 1-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7 intervals. It can be played on any chromatic instrument and any diatonic (seven tone) modal instrument set for the major scale or one of it

Legal Mp3 Music : Download And Listen.

Music plays a great role in our life, without music it would be of course less interesting, exciting and pleasant. Music helps us to find harmony with ourselves when we are in bad mood or to entertain us.