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Radio & Television : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Plastic Surgery Shows Rock!

The surgery appears to empower the person. Admittedly, I do not know or need to know how long the empowerment lasts, but going through the procedure provides a some measure of satisfaction.

Tinseltown Movie Theatre News

Well there have been many new and upcoming releases, that have come out onto the scene for the holidays. Guess this is the time where everyone in the family can sit together, and join in and watch an old fashioned movie together to celebrate the holidays. Well I think some major films out are Twilig

Special Russian And Vietnamese Packages On Directv

With DirecTV people can enjoy exclusive programs of Russian and Vietnamese languages. There are 3 exclusive Russian packs and two channels as a la carte services while Vietnamese programming in US includes 4 packs and 1 a la carte channel. In this way DirecTV has turned out to be the ultimate name i

How to Hook up Video Games to a DIRECTV Receiver

If other applications are using your TV auxiliary outputs, hook your video game to your DirecTV receiver. It's so easy to do, you don't even need any tools. You can use your fingers to tighten all the connections, and the picture quality will match or surpass anything you'd get with a traditional T

Pre-Election Day Documentaries

A list of documentaries that will help you ponder current issues and decide for whom and what you wish to vote.

Watch NCAA Football on PC

NCAA fans, rest assured; you can now watch NCAA football on PC! If you are a football enthusiast then you will not want to miss the match between your favourite teams. However, with hectic schedules,

Invictus - An Amazing Story and an Even More Important Message For Today

Recently, the amazing retelling story of Nelson Mandela's rise to power and struggle to bring his nation together was made into a wonderful film. Essentially, the story tells about the great divide and tension in the country of South Africa between the native Africans and the European immigrant

Dhobi Ghat - Reality, Simplicity and Just WOW!

A perfect start with a perfect flow and ends just super perfect. Now we know why Aamir Khan chose Kiran Rao to be the perfect partner. She has done a awesome job. Perfection Perfection and Perfection.

30 Rock: “The Return of Avery Jessup” Review

North Korea has finally freed Avery and Jack couldn't be any happier€¦but not until he found out that she was held captive along with Scott Scottsman, a sportscaster from Scottsdale. The thought that Avery might ...

Advantage of Watching Live Sports TV Online

Is it that improper electric supply deprives you of watching television? Is it that you have weather, affecting TV signals? Are you pissed off with these situations of life? Obviously yes, especially when your favourite ...

Stay Healthy And Beautiful With Dish Network

DISH Network has arrived with its bouquet of exquisite DISH Network Packages so that the glamour in your life remains intact and you stay young and beautiful.

Download TV Show Episodes and Save Your Money

There are many services available that allow you to download as many movies, television shows, and music videos as you want by paying a membership fee every year. This way you need not pay for every episode, and you can download all the episodes for a one time reasonable fee. Isn't this more ec

Turk and Mondo

Turk threatens Mondo in class on Good Vibes, a cartoon on MTV.

Bang for Your Buck

In this week of Bafta success for the BBC and dismal failure for ITV consider this observation that occured to me last night whilst watching Doctor Who.