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Writing : Society & Culture & Entertainment

SEO Article Writing Service - Why Hire an Article Writer?

SEO article writing services are so widely available today it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish the professionals from the amateurs. Because article marketing and article submissions now provide low-cost and high-results online marketing opportunities, more companies are seeking the s

Grammar Check Programs - Is it Recommended For Proofreading?

Grammar check programs are being used by many English natives and non English natives as a 'personal proofreader'. For most of us, writing is one of the most important tools that enable us to achieve many of our personal, interpersonal, and business goals. Read the following review in orde

Use Definition to Find Nonfiction Writing Ideas

A writing method often used by nonfiction writers involves using definitions to clarity points in the writing. Definitions are used to help readers understand abstract terms: intangibles or terms without any physical presence. If you can sense it with your five senses, you will describe the object o

6 Tips on Article Marketing

One of the most important tips on article marketing is always using a title that will inspire those to read the article. There is no place for boring titles, as the reader will only ignore them. Instead, try to use action verbs in your titles and you will notice a difference in the response you get.

Read This Article If You Want to Give the Best Presentation of Your Life

By giving the best presentation of your life you will expand your skills and abilities in public speaking. The expectations you have of yourself will be increased. Your progress towards greater confidence, a broader network base and a widened field of potential clients will be realized. Winners stan

How to Create Print Ready Documents and Images

Discover how to make documents, from business cards to books, ready to be sent to a printers. To ensure your file is "print ready" check that your artwork meets the following requirements.

Things to Do Before the Speech to Be Less Nervous

Public speaking's arch-enemy is anxiety. Stage fright can be overcome, but nervousness is always there even amongst the veteran speakers. There are a few ways you can reduce them anxiety levels. Here are a few.

The Time to Become a Successful Writer is Now

If you want to be a successful writer, you need to act now to turn your dream into a reality. But if you are currently not acting and not working towards becoming a wealthy writer, what's holding you back? And, more importantly, what can you do about it?

Golden Rule for Authors Using Book Reviews As a Promotion Tool

A new author can help him or herself by doing book reviews as a promotional tool. Be sure you understand the basic rules of what to do and not do. Book marketing is becoming more and more the responsibility of the author. Learn how it can help you!

The Secrets of Book Publishing Everyone Needs to Know!

Getting your book published is easier now than ever before. This article, by an author and professional ghostwriter, who has worked with many publishing houses, discusses the three methods you can use to see your dream of writing a book become a reality.

WITCHCRAFT in the church in Adelaide

2 Chron. 33/6. Here we have a King of Judah, a covenant son of Loving Father, documented as, 'causing his children to pass through the fire, observing times, using enchantments, ('nachash,' meaning, t

Cognitive Critters Might Boost Literary Fiction Novel Sales

Ok, I'll admit it. I lack what it takes to write serious literary fiction. Stephen King settled that issue for me in his book, On Writing, when he said, "You will never be a great writer unless you are born with it." Great writers must be passionate about something, right? I'm on

How Writers Get Spooked

Seems like this time every year the old, wrinkled, green-faced Witches are flying by on their broom sticks only to stir up some potion with their sidekick black cat that spooks the writing abilities and creativity right from us. As the gruesome witch watches you struggle with words and thoughts, you

Newbie Article Writers - 4 Astounding Secrets for Writing an Effective Article

Every day there are thousands of people who want to become an article writer. Most of them disappear after a few tries because they don't have the training or insight on how to create successful articles. If you truly want to become an article writer then you should pay close attention to the f