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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical

Sinus Surgery

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How to Know You Have Wheat Allergy?

You body does not accept this foreign substance so it creates antibodies to fight the invader which causes allergy symptoms. To determine if you are allergic to wheat, you need to write down everything you eat for at least one week. There are several foods you should avoid including gluten, globulin

Asthma - Does Exercise Help?

Exercise greatly improves asthma over a period of time. Obviously we aren't talking running a marathon here - not to start with, anyway - but if your asthma is properly managed then you should be able to participate in moderate exercise without any problems. The ideal exercise for an asthma suf

The Truth About Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic eight-legged creatures that resemble spiders. They live in our homes, and perhaps one-third of them live in our mattresses, according to Environment, Health and Safety Online. They may be gross, but are they really harmful to us?

In Search of a Real Hives Remedy

If you frequently experience bouts of urticaria, you're undoubtedly searching for a hives remedy that will produce results. Hives may not be a life-threatening matter, but they certainly detract from the quality of one's life, serving as a constant source of pain, annoyance and potential e

Who Uses an Asthma Inhaler and What Are the Different Types of Asthma Inhaler?

An Albuterol Inhaler is a prescription-based asthma inhaler which is typically used when there is an asthma attack. Albuterol can cause side effects and the amount of inhalations should not be administered more often than prescribed.An Albuterol Inhaler is a Metered-Dosed Inhaler (MDI) that typicall

Asthma Attack Treatment - Don't Let Asthma Beat You

Having an asthma attack can be a scary thing, a lot of things are going through your mind at the time of asthma attacks. And when you start to panic it can make matters a lot worse, making your breathing through your airways even harder. I myself have experienced having an asthma attack and its noth

Drug Allergies

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of drug allergies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Relieve Allergies Naturally

Custom Chinese herbal formulations can be one of the most effective ways to relieve allergies with long lasting results.A trained herbalist will use bulk herbs that are free of preservatives and other impurities to create a formulation which can be decocted into a tea to help relieve allergies.

The Symptoms of Milk Allergy in a Baby

In the precious early days when you're just getting to know your baby it can be really difficult to work out if your little bundle of joy has a milk allergy or dairy intolerance. Doctors are getting better at recognizing it, but it can take many months to get a diagnosis. Here are some of the s

How the Weather Can Cause Allergies

You may not know this but the weather can produce allergies too. The weather can cause allergies if it is usually humid outside and it can also affect an individual's immune system. The immune system may become sensitive and weak because of the allergies in the environment.

Infants and Antibiotics: Asthma Risk?

Infants who receive antibiotics in their first year of life are more likely to develop asthma by age 7, and multiple courses of the drugs boost the risk more, a Canadian study suggests.

Understanding Hay Fever

Springtime, a lovely time of the year; flowers begin to bloom; trees burst into life; birds sing and the grass becomes greener, ready for its first cut. Some people actually dread this time of year. Their eyes begin to itch and they cough and sneeze. They are unlucky enough to suffer from what we ca

Air Purifiers and the Way That They Operate

Air purifiers are typically endorsed for providing help to people with asthma. It attacks asthma causing irritant particles such as dust and pollen then decreases the airborne toxins floating in the air.

Is It Hay Fever? 5 Ways to Tell Hay Fever From Other Allergies

Hay fever can be a confusing condition to understand and identify. With so many confusing names for it and symptoms associated with it, misunderstanding is common. Here are 5 ways to differentiate between it and other allergies.

Can an Allergy Cause Asthma?

The occurrence of asthma and allergies usually happens at the same time, a surprising fact for most people.In the United States, the most common form of asthma is allergy-induced.Typically the irritants that trigger reactions are the same ones that will trigger inflammation of the lower airways thro