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Diabetes : Health & Medical

How Diabetes Causes Heart Attacks

The heart muscle of diabetics uses a much higher percentage of fat for energy than that of non-diabetics, markedly increasing risk for heart attacks.Many people discover that they are diabetic only after they have had a heart attack.

Diabetes - A Blessing in Disguise

Diabetes is such a complex, chronic disease that requires effective medical and self management. When someone is diagnosed with diabetes it not only leaves him to tears, depression and an everlasting anxiety, but to his loved ones as well.The question is same here.

The Effect of Cinnamon Cassia Powder in Type 2 Diabetes

Cinnamon has been used as a spice and food additive for many years. According to Amy Campbell of Diabetes Self-Management, it has been used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt, China, India and other parts of the world. Recent studies have looked at whether it is useful in the treatment of type

Prediabetes and Prevention

Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar levels of the body are elevated over a period of time and within a specific range.

Type-1 Diabetes: All You Want To Know

You will unearth the pivotal roles of glucose and insulin in Type-1 Diabetes and the way that one, insulin, controls the other. You find out what happens when this control doesn't take place. Moreover, you'll get to know who typically gets Type-1 Diabetes, how it's diagnosed, and how

Type 2 Diabetes - Treating Polycystic Ovary Disease With Medication

If you are diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the doctor is likely to put you on medication to try to take care of some of the symptoms. Many women who have PCOS are actually trying to get pregnant, so taking this medication to balance the body is sometimes a necessary factor, at least

Type 2 Diabetes - Perfecting Your Stir-Fry To Reap Health Benefits

Motivated people who start making lifestyle changes can reap tremendous health benefits almost immediately. In one study people who ate a low-fat, high-fiber diet and then added forty-five to sixty minutes of physical activity to their day, were able to significantly reduce their blood pressure, imp

To Reverse Diabetes is Not That Hard

Reversing diabetes is not nearly as hard as you would think. Don't give in to despair and assume that just because you have diabetes, the rest of your life will be miserable. This simply isn't the case, unless you let it be. More than 20 million Americans have diabetes, yet it's not a

Benefits of Weight Loss in Diabetes

If you have diabetes you have probably been told by your doctor that you should lose weight. The benefits of weight loss in diabetes is so important that every diabetes education class covers this topic. It is as important as taking your medication to control your blood sugar levels. The weight loss

The Causes Of Diabetes Are Not Entirely Known.

The causes of diabetes are not totally known by medical science. There are still many questions about it that haven't been answered. Scientists are still at a loss as to why some people get it while others do not. It is known however, that having certain risk factors leads to diabetes. Some of

Processed Foods: The Pros and Cons - A Balanced View

Despite rumours to the contrary and the shrill shrieks of food faddists, processed foods are not all bad. Indeed, it would be hard to imagine a modern economy and civilisation without the food processing industry and the supermarket chains that distribute processed food products. Here is a balanced

Shoes and Diabetes: What's on Your Feet Matters

Diabetic nerve damage, or neuropathy, can lessen your ability to feel pain, especially in your feet. WebMD explains why it's important to inspect your feet daily and choose your shoes wisely.

Diabetes Meal Plan

Developing a diabetes meal plan will be a great benefit to you. This plan helps to serve as a guide to a healthy diet. It tells you how much to eat and what types of foods that you should eat. By following a diabetes meal plan, you can help to ensure steady blood glucose levels, which in turn, can h

Buffet Tips For Diabetics

Barbecues, picnics and family reunions are gatherings to enjoy and treasure. If you have diabetes, these events can pose special challenges. How can you stick with your meal plan, yet join in the celebration and have some fun? You can do it. If you choose wisely and watch how much you eat, you can h

Causes of Diabetes - Learn How Obesity and Insulin Resistance Go Hand in Hand

The connections between obesity, insulin resistance, and prediabetes are intricate and still under medical evaluation. Numerous scientists consider that this is a typical case of "which came originally: the egg or the chicken?" Insulin resistance plays a role in obesity and is an essential

Type 2 Diabetes - High Sugar Levels in Your Saliva Damages Teeth and Gums

Periodontitis is infection and inflammation of the soft tissue and bone that hold the teeth. It is the most common cause of tooth loss in people over the age of 35. In both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes there can be a high level of sugar in the saliva, just as there is in the blood if the condition is


A cannula is used to deliver insulin to the body through a flexible tube connected to an insulin pump.

Getting Started With Your Diabetes Management

Good diabetes management requires many different treatments and strategies in order to be effective. All these changes can seem overwhelming at first, but when all that information is broken down into easy to understand categories, you can begin to get a handle on it. Here's what you need to kn