How Fruit Can Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

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Heart Diseases : Health & Medical

A Brief Discussion of Heart Valve Disease

It is truly difficult to determine if a set of symptoms are a sign of heart valve disease, since many of them are so mild and can be attributed to a number of different conditions including asthma, heartburn, heart attack, or sometimes even pregnancy.

How to Measure Blood Pressure

Many people have digital blood pressure measuring devices in their homes today. These devices have become relatively inexpensive. A cuff is put onto the arm and inflated. As it deflates, the blood pressure (and usually heart rate as well) are measured.

Natural Cholesterol Remedies Will Help to Safely Lower Bad Cholesterol

There are several ways to neutralize your level of cholesterol effectively and safely. One of which is taking the prescription medicine like statin. You can also achieve the same objective for good health through natural cholesterol remedies like many other people who have tried it. Even though it h

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of coronary artery bypass graft including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

5 Ways to Prevent a Heart Attack

As a former emergency medical technician (EMT) who worked on an ambulance in downtown Denver, Colorado I witnessed a number of dramatic medical events. From the sad amusement park ride accident to the 3:30 a.m. call for "belly button lint" (really), I gained a lot of experience. Aside from

Types Of Heart Disease

Definition of the different types of heart related problems.Today's incidents of many different types of heart disease are much higher than in the past, partly due to increased awareness and better testing techniques in diagnosing heart problems.